When You Give A Girl Two Brothers | The Odyssey Online
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When You Give A Girl Two Brothers

You are giving her two best friends for life.

When You Give A Girl Two Brothers
Ally Hibbitts

When you give a girl two brothers, you are giving her endless laughs. They are the funniest people I have met and when you put us together, it only amplifies. My parents have to separate us sometimes because we just can't stop laughing or messing with each other.

You are giving her "real talk". My brothers will tell me how it is no matter the subject. If I want honest advice they are the people I look to.

You are giving her an endless supply of hoodies. Why go out and buy one when your older brother has a closet full of hoodies?

You are giving her ridiculous stunts. We are always putting each other up to things and it usually starts with, "Hey watch this."

When you give a girl two brothers you are giving her many fights and mornings locked out of the bathroom. I can't tell you how many times we got in fights over the bathroom on school mornings.

You are also giving her toilet seats that were conveniently left up and stinky bathrooms. Words can't describe how mad I get when I go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and fall in because one of them forgot to put the seat down. And don't even get me started on their farting habits.

When you give a girl two brothers you are giving her workout buddies. Okay, that was only like once but we at least tried.

You are giving her two shoulders to cry on. There have been countless nights that I spent crying on their shoulders about boys, school, and life.

When you give a girl two brothers you are giving her lifelong fans. They came to every show, game, and concert I was a part of and kept their complaining to a minimum for the most part.

You are giving her gaming buddies. I learned everything about video games from the two of them.

You are giving her all-you-can-eat contests. I always win no matter what they say.

When you give a girl two brothers you are giving her protection. They will tell you, they are the only ones allowed to pick on me. And you better watch out, if you make me cry they are coming after you.

When you give a girl two brothers you are giving her best friends for life. Yeah, there are times when we want to kill each other, but at the end of the day, I know they will be there for me.

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