We’ve all seen it boldly printed on bumper stickers, slapped onto bracelets and heard it vocalized by church-goers. It’s the question we've asked ourselves and are convinced we know the answer to. WWJD - What would Jesus do? I’ve been informed the acronym would be improved if we changed it to WWJDAWWHDI (What Would Jesus Do and why would He do it?) Unfortunately, that won’t fit neatly onto my bookmark, and it looks like an exclamation uttered during a karate move.
Both of these - Jesus’ motives and His actions - are important questions. However, followers of the Way have often forgotten to meditate upon a different set of letters- WWSD? No, not When Will the elections be Done. I want to know What Would Satan Do (and why he would do it).
The easiest way to lose a battle is to be unaware you're fighting one. Being aware of Satan’s temptation strategies, and how to fight them with a personal battle plan, is important if you want to defeat the temptations in your life. If you struggle with lying, think about what gets you to contemplate whether or not you'll lie. Is it to make yourself look better than you actually are? Is it to spare someone’s feelings? Are you trying to create peace? Do you get enjoyment out of lying? Once you identify the initial cause for temptation, then you can think of your escape plan.
1 Corinthians 10:13 says, “13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” (Notice that it does NOT say that God won’t give you more than you can handle.)
We are always provided with a way to escape our temptations. We need to be aware of what our emergency exits are, where they're located, how long it will take us to access those exits, how difficult it will be for us to open them, etc. In short, we need to be aware of exactly how Satan is working, why he has been successful with his methods and how you can fight that. It might take some time before you're strong enough to walk through your emergency exit, but being able to walk toward it is progress.
Be aware. You may have to create new exits if you're tempted in new ways as you resist old temptations. Another thing to watch out for is getting too comfortable with your progress and deviating from your escape plan.
If you're uncertain where to begin, ask a mature friend for advice. They can help you brainstorm ideas and keep you accountable. If you are struggling with a secret that would kill you if anybody knew, find a friend that knows how to live out agape (the highest form of love, agape knows your deepest secrets, but it never looks away), and explain what's going on. Trust me, I know how scary this can be, but it's definitely worth being free from the shackles of sin and the whispers of Satan.
I recommend incorporating these things into your escape plan:
1. Scripture/ thought displacement: If you're reflecting on good things/Scripture, it's difficult to think about temptations right? Realize that you have to think about something before you do it. If you don't think about saying that thing you know you shouldn't, chances are you won't end up saying it.)
2. Read "The Art of Thankfulness"
3. Listen to these songs:
"Call It Grace" - Unspoken
"Tell Me" - Carrollton