Does the painting say to the poem you are not a masterpiece because I am? No. We can look at different pieces and kinds of art and without hesitation we find them each to be wonderful in their unique ways.
What makes these specific pieces wonderful and what do they have in common? A master craftsman.
Someone has to put the paint to the canvas and make something out of it that we call art. Someone has to grab a writing utensil and take it to the page to form words. Images and sounds we form in our minds shine for the world to see. They are creative and one of a kind but they are masterpieces. Why are they masterpieces? Because of the value placed on them by their creator.
How are humans any different? Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.”
You are unique. You are His masterpiece. Every little thing that makes up you, whether you have dimples, a certain gleam in your eye, or you are incredibly gifted in one area at school. God made you this way. You are His masterpiece.
Amy Carmichael is known for dedicating her life as a missionary. Some don't know the story of her brown eyes. Her entire family had blue eyes. As a little girl, she wanted blue eyes too. She wanted to be like everyone else. She could only see that moment in her story.
Years of wishing and praying for blue eyes that never came she received an answer to her prayers and it wasn’t in the way she probably ever imagined. God called her to be a missionary and eventually He led her to India where she served 55 years.
People of India are known for their brown eyes. Do we really think little things about us are a mistake? God knew where her mission would be. He knew that years later this little girl would grow up and need her brown eyes.
What are your brown eyes? What is it about you? Whether it is in your physical characteristics or who you are in your personality.
Psalm 100:3 says, “Know that the Lord Himself is God; it is He who made us and not we ourselves; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture.”
You are who you are for a reason. Live in your uniqueness. God made you with your quirks for a reason.
When God made you He formed you knowing every trial you would face and everything you could achieve if you choose to. He places a calling in all of us. We have to first realize we are His masterpiece. As a painter creates a painting it is given meaning by that painter. The Creator gives the purpose.
Exodus 9:16 says, “But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you My power and that My name might be proclaimed in all the Earth.”
As a little girl, I was incredibly shy and it took many situations to pull me out of my shyness. Now I speak publicly and I love acting. If someone had told me breaking four bones on the first day of summer fourth-grade year would kick-start this journey I would have laughed.
We never know what it is for other people. Know what it is for you. It can be many things. Every season has a new adventure. In every season, even when you feel hopeless He calls you His masterpiece. Remember He made you and He calls you beautiful.
If a critic calls a painting ugly does the painting care? Not when the painter can say I love you and I have a purpose for you. The things you struggle with my friends are part of the puzzle of you. God takes even the roughest parts of us and puts them to work.
You are His masterpiece!