What Is Girlfriend/Boyfriend Material?
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What Is Girlfriend/Boyfriend Material?

We all know a quality partner is loyal, faithful, honest, doesn’t cheat on you, and (hopefully) smoke’n hot but what is it that makes them the real deal?

What Is Girlfriend/Boyfriend Material?

Now that we’re well into cuffing season, a vast majority of our friends have proven, once again, just how much boyfriend/girlfriend material they’re made of. However, I did not make the cut this year so it got me thinking...what is girlfriend (boyfriend) material? We all know a quality partner is loyal, faithful, honest, doesn’t cheat on you, and (hopefully) smokin' hot but what is it that makes them the real deal? So I twitter surveyed, asked around, made some phone calls and here’s what I found sets me (the single) apart from the cuffed-up.

What is boyfriend material?

“Boyfriend material is a guy who likes you, texts you back not too fast and not too slow and says hi to you in public.”

Girlfriend (or should I say… probably not somebody’s girlfriend), raise your standards! Of course, he says hi to you in public; if he doesn’t, NEXT! Bottom line: if you’re testing the waters with a new potential mate and he acts like he doesn’t see you at the bars he (clap) is (clap) not (clap) the (clap) one.

“A good boyfriend can deal with your past, your number, and your baggage.”

Hmm. Might I also add your mother? And as the almighty, number one girl gang wrote, “If you want my future, forget my past.”

“He has a job to buy me nice things, of course!”

Hey, we aren’t high maintenance; we just like the finer things in life, am I right ladies? Plus, guys with jobs also probably have things like drive, intelligence, benefits, and a nice house with a few kids in their future.

“When you ask for the Kylie Jenner holiday collection for Christmas he says -- sure babe, whatever you want, leave it to me.”

She is referring to her English boyfriend for this one. So maybe that’s what I’m missing, a nice foreign boy. Regardless, boyfriend material is a guy who knows when and how to spoil you without giving into your every plea.

“He's smart, funny, motivated, hot blah blah blah. Basically, not a compulsive liar will do.”

I’m no psychic but I would guess, like many of us, this girl dated a compulsive liar once. It’s easy to fall for a snake covered in faux boyfriend material, but snakes always shed their skin and the truth comes out. Boyfriends are not snakes.

“Someone who sees your vodka water lime getting low so he shows up with a fresh one without asking.”

Because a guy who supports your habit of dancing on the bar after one (or nine) drinks is real boyfriend material! And he’s someone who is just looking out for you without being clingy. He can sit back, relax, and let you do you.

“Wears a navy blue suit with brown shoes instead of all black."

Don’t think I could have said it better myself with this one! A guy who knows how to dress is an automatic 5 out of 10 on the boyfriend scale. Guys, if you want a girl to notice you exchange your sweatpants in for a nice dark jean or chinos. Unless you’re color blind, you have no excuse for bad style.

“Will hold your hand while you look at art.”

Gorgeous. Deep. Sounds like true love.

“Doesn’t give you so much attention that you block him on all forms of social media but gives you enough attention where you don’t have to stalk his social media.”

I couldn’t agree more with this one--although a bit extreme. But has anyone else ever liked someone until they gave you that little extra attention and you run the other way faster than a drunk girl to Taco Bell?!

“What is girlfriend material?”

“He knows how to cook, and more importantly, knows how to cook everything I like.”

Alright, guys, I get it. The way to your heart is through your stomach, but after multiple similar responses I had to request that cooking be taken off the table.

“She’s gotta be pretty low maintenance and not irrational.”

I wonder, does he mean psycho when he says irrational? Either way, I think these guys would agree, “Sweatpants, hair tied, chillin' with no make-up on. That's when you're the prettiest, I hope that you don't take it wrong.” Drake did say it was the best he ever had.

“If I decide I’m shutting down the bar tonight, she better be there shutting it down with me.”

Personally, I don’t know if I’ve ever made it to last call but I’ll work on that if that’s what it takes to find a man. Until then, I’m sure this guy will find a girl who is more a marathon than a sprint.

“A girl that you can trust and enjoy spending time with. She can hang with your friends or you with hers. Just a badass girl that can have fun and not be fake. Amen.”

Amen is right! Not that we have to frequent guys night accompanied with cases of beer, but getting along with the other’s friends is always appreciated.

**said something absolutely ridiculous followed by...** “...but actually a desire to better each other is key.”

You my friend, are going to have no trouble finding love with that attitude.

“Emulates your mother...someone you’d be proud to bring home to her.”

Not going to lie, this one caught me off guard. But truth be told, guys love their moms; they admire, look up to, and appreciate them! Why wouldn’t we want to, at least minimally, emulate the woman they admire most? So ladies- take care of your man, and fellas- no super mama’s boys, please.

“Someone you can count on, is consistent, and will be there when I’m in trouble. For example, when I drink too much and need a ride home she’s gotta be there.”

I don’t think guys are asking us to drop priority like it’s hot and cater to them, but we do need to be dependable and occasionally the DD.

“I like a girl with some muscle on her body, I mean not a six pack but muscle.She doesn’t have to be super skinny or anything; just healthy.”

Hear that; thigh gaps are out and muscle is in! Time to get it right, get it tight! Finally, an excuse to do some curls with my 5lb weights while sipping on a nice Chardonnay. Sip one, curl one, sip two, curl two.

And that’s that. Happy cuffing season.


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