My job as a girlfriend is to find new and unique ways to annoy my boyfriend. I decided to challenge him, choose what I would wear for one week, I thought it would be simple for him and entertaining for me to watch. I wanted him to be my Stacy London and Clinton Kelly for the week, putting a new spin on what I wear.
Day One
My original plan was to just set him free, like a wild animal in a new habitat, but before I could leave him he was already in a panic. “I’m scared, I’ve never seen your clothes like this.” As soon as he said that I knew it would mean trouble if I did not go to help him. I went and showed him where all the tops, bottoms and dresses were and he was a little better. “It’s supposed to rain! What do I do if it is supposed to rain?” I realized that as a boy, even in his 21 years of life, he had never had to worry about the consequences of the weather like I do. Unable to handle the stress he opted for neither top nor bottoms and went with a romper. I thought that was a smart decision until I put it on, It had shrunk and was extremely uncomfortable, but I said no take backs so I dealt with it.
Day Two
Definitely more of what I wear on a daily basis, which one would assume that would make it easier for him. Just think back at what I normally wear jeans and a t-shirt, but no, even that scared him. “I don’t know what goes with what”, this boy has picked out clothes for himself, outfits consisting of both shirts and pants. He was seriously terrified of my clothes, which he repeatedly told me hoping he could bail out of the challenge.
Days three, four and five
I didn't realize until I put all these pictures together that he chose these dresses because it involved absolutely no effort in matching *insert eye roll*. Anyway, I like all these dresses, but they are ridiculously short and are not fun to hike around campus in. Once again my boyfriend has never had to deal with short clothes that could rise up and flash the world, it's something he as a man has never had to deal with. Due to the short nature of these dresses I felt cute, but I was definitely uncomfortable all day in them.
I'm glad I decided to challenge my boyfriend to try to pick my clothes out for a week, even though he only did five out of the seven days. I thought it was just going to be an entertaining time for me, but I did learn a few things about our relationship through this challenge. First I learned that my boyfriend truly couldn't care less about what I wear on a daily basis, the fact that he kept trying to get me to wear his clothes shows that no matter what I wear he will still think I am beautiful and love me for who I am as a person verses what I choose to look like day by day. I also learned that guys live in a very different world than us women do, they've never had to encounter dress codes or clothes that were sold so short that it is only possible to wear them if you plan on sitting or standing still all day. I'm glad he said yes to do this for me, I'm also extremely glad he never wants to choose my outfits again, because it seriously took way too long.