"What is Christmas All About?" This is a question posed by Charlie Brown in A Charlie Brown Christmas. Charlie Brown is very confused with the focus of Christmas on the gifts, the lights, the trees, and everything in between. All he wants to know is what Christmas is truly about. His friend Linus says he knows what Christmas is about. He goes on stage, calls for the lights, and gives this simple answer:
Christmas, my friends, is simply the birth of Jesus Christ (even though His birth really wasn't that simple). Charlie Brown recognized that society had made Christmas into something so convoluted and complex, and couldn't find the true meaning behind the facade of commercialism. It was true in 1965, and is still true to this day: people are losing sight of what Christmas truly means and why it is so significant for millions of people around the world.
For many, Christmas is more than just a holiday. It is a time to gather with friends and family and brings good memories and good times. For others, it is a time of sadness because their family is gone or there is hatred within the family that makes the holidays tough. For Non-Christians, it is just another day. For companies and commercialism, it is another way for people to buy their products and spend money. For society, it's "The Holidays."
The Commercialism of Christmas has gotten worse over the years. I have watched countless commercials saying things like "You should be in the holiday spirit because of how much money you'll save" (notice how they said "holiday" and not Christmas, even though Santa hats and Christmas decorations were present) and "Buying her this necklace shows how much you love her, not like a regular handwritten note." It is unbelievable that people will buy into this and only think about getting the right gift rather than being in the company of their own family. Society makes it all about the money and focuses on making a buck rather than having their employees be with their families and friends.
Society is also becoming to politically correct with Christmas. According to the CIA World Factbook, about 70% of America is Christian. Yet, for some reason, we have to say "Happy Holidays" because we might offend someone who is not Christian. Now I know that Jews celebrate Hanukkah around the same time as Christmas, and that is perfectly fine (Happy Hanukkah by the way!). What is not okay, is when people are wearing Santa hats, wearing Christmas sweaters, putting up Christmas lights, and are using "Happy Holidays." You're only referencing and celebrating one holiday that is associated with all those things, and that is Christmas. People are trying to call Christmas sweaters and trees "holiday sweaters" and "holiday trees." There is not such holiday called "holiday," it's called Christmas. Society is trying to take Christ out of Christmas and deterring its true meaning so no one is offended. I celebrate Christmas, and that is what I will wish you after I interact with you during the Christmas season. And if you don't celebrate Christmas and want to let me know, that's fine. I have a freedom of speech and freedom of religion, so I will express that and not let society oppress me from doing so.
So remember to keep Christ in Christmas and to always remember the reason for the season. Merry Christmas everyone!