We spend our whole lives searching and seeking. Whether it's for a job, a relationship, money, purpose, happiness, fulfillment.
We spend our lives trying to make ourselves happy. Trying to live our best lives, whatever that means. We look for things that will satisfy our souls. That will fill that deep longing within us. The longing that's always there, even when we've filled it with temporary pleasures.
It's still there underneath - searching, seeking, longing.
Even if we get the things that we think we want, the things we so desperately need, those few things that once we get them, everything will be perfect...what then? Isn't there always something more? Doesn't "If I just had this one thing..." continue forever?
Because one more thing is never enough. There's always another "one more thing".
Except for the one thing.
Jesus Christ.
That's the one thing, the only thing that will ever satisfy the longing in our souls. The thing that people spend their whole lives searching for has been inside them all along. It was planted inside their hearts from the very beginning.
And you know the saddest part?
Some people will never find it.
Some people will spend their entire lives depressed, broken, anxious, hurt, searching for a cure. Searching for an answer.
A cure that's freely given. An answer that's so close.
That's the saddest part.
It would be one thing to spend your life searching and never finding something on the outside. Something hidden out there in this big world.
But it isn't hidden.
It's available to each and every one of us.
Yet somehow, people still die not realizing the hope, the life, the love, the joy they needed was there all along.
That's why it's so important for those of us who do realize what we have - to share it. To share it with others. Share that joy, love, laughter.
But most of all, share the source.
Jesus Christ.
The Gospel.
Everyone is searching for it. Everyone. Even if they don't realize it.
"...he has planted eternity in the human heart..." -ecclesiastes 3:11
"seek the kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." -matthew 6:33