What would happen if Planned Parenthood were defunded? Would women’s healthcare be doomed? Would women automatically lose the right to decide to get an abortion? Would the world end? The answer to all these questions is no. If Planned Parenthood were defunded, money could be redirected to other health centers. These Federally Qualified Health Centers provide a comprehensive array of services to underserved areas or populations. They don't discriminate, and offer families and individuals everywhere quality health care. But closing Planned Parenthood seems scary because they seem to be the only place a pregnant woman can turn to. The truth is just the opposite, though. If Planned Parenthood did lose their money from the government, women would be okay.
What about accessibility?
One argument to keep Planned Parenthood around is that it is accessible to all. Planned Parenthood centers are located in neighborhoods all across the country. There is usually one within walking distance of a college campus, which is ideal for students without a car. However, there are about 18 times as many Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) in the United States and they serve about 17.4 percent of the female population. Planned Parenthood only serves about 2 percent of women, and the services they get can be received at any FQHC. I was interested in what my own neighborhood had to offer and I found that not only in my hometown, but also in the community around my college campus, FQHCs are more accessible. So, if one of my friends at school or from home ever needed to talk to a doctor about her health or about ALL her options in a pregnancy, a FQHC would be the place I would send them.
What about abortion services?
In 2013, Planned Parenthood, according to their own report, performed 327,653 abortions. This equaled out to mean that there were 897 every day, 37 every hour, and 1 every 90 seconds. Even though these seem like huge numbers, Planned Parenthood is about 25-33 percent of the abortion industry. That means that between 66-75 percent of abortions are being performed by other organizations. While FQHCs don't perform abortions themselves, there are so many other places you could get one. Going along with this, not every Planned Parenthood center actually performs abortions. Most give a woman a referral to a different location.
What about birth control?
Planned Parenthood is not only an abortion provider. After a woman gets one, she has the option to take a prescription for a year's supply of birth control. But Planned Parenthood is not the only place a woman can get a prescription for birth control. FQHCs are not pro-life affiliated places; one of the services they provide is giving out birth control.
What if I can't afford services?
Planned Parenthood accepts a whole lot of insurance policies. On the Planned Parenthood website, type in your zip code and locations near you pop up. In the boxes with contact information and hours of operation, it includes a section of policies they accept. It notes that in a lot of cases, services are covered by insurance with no co-payment necessary. If you don't have insurance, you can see what you qualify for and it goes from there. One thing I noticed was that Planned Parenthood does not take Medicare or Medicaid, but FQHCs do. In addition, FQHCs have a sliding pay scale. You pay what you can - if you have little or no insurance, payment is adjusted for you. A lot of these health centers are found in low income neighborhoods, so they are very understanding when families come in for healthcare. Families leave having received quality health care without having to pay top dollar.
What about women’s healthcare?
In summary, women’s healthcare would not be at risk if Planned Parenthood were to be defunded. Federally Qualified Health Centers provide the same services and more, including mammograms.
Federally Qualified Health Centers provide not only women, but men and children, too, with comprehensive medical care. People can get a regular check up or dental services at the centers. They care for the whole human, not just about reproductive services. It would be great to see some more government spending on health centers like these in the future, instead of spending money on Planned Parenthood.