7. “’Love’ is just the name we give to the desire for and pursuit of wholeness.” -Aristophanes | The Odyssey Online
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7 Ways in Which '​Symposium'​ by Plato Defines Love

Because love is something that has been around since the beginning of time.

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Emily Farrell

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Over the past few weeks in my writing class, we have analyzed Symposium by Plato. In trying to determine what love is, we have looked at how it manifests itself both in ancient Greece and in today's culture. While Symposium was written over 2000 years ago, many of the messages pertaining to the meaning of love still hold true today.

1. “Sometimes within a single day he starts by being full of life in abundance, when things are going his way, but then he dies away” -Diotima 

Love is malleable, it does not remain constant over time. Sometimes love can make you feel as if you are top of the world, and sometimes it can drive you crazy. However, because love is derived from prosperity, it will always return you back to feelings of joy and fulfillment.

2. “If it isn’t lacking, you can’t desire it, surely.” -Socrates 

Just like playing hard to get (back in 400 BC of course), Socrates pointed out that you can only desire something that you don't have. While love remains regardless of desire, desire fades away once something becomes attainable.

3. “Love is characterized by a high degree of self-discipline, as well as fairness.” -Agathon 

You won't always agree with the people you love, but sometimes it is in both of your best interests to refrain from disagreeing with them on every little thing. In order to maintain peace and equality in a relationship, it is important to listen to the other person's point of view and give them a fair chance to explain their opinions.

4. “They incline towards their own characteristics in others” -Aristophanes 

When you love someone, you look for a person who is like-minded and can help you to emphasize your strengths. If you are proud of the fact that you work hard or love the way that your eyes look, you subconsciously look for these traits in others as well.

5. “It’s hardly going too far to say that Love is present in everything that exists” -Exyximachus 

It is quite easy to find love in the world around you, whether it is in the relationship between family members, friends, significant others, or even towards objects. Even if it is the little things such as a mother comforting her child or a couple sharing a coffee, it is easy to see acts of love wherever you look.

6. “Only lovers are prepared to sacrifice themselves” -Phaedrus 

Love is not always easy. Often times it requires great sacrifice in order to make the other person happy without much return. However, when you love someone, you are fully prepared to make sacrifices for their happiness because you put their needs before your own.

7. “’Love’ is just the name we give to the desire for and pursuit of wholeness.” -Aristophanes

In the end, love is looking for the person who completes you in ways that you didn't know were possible. Aristophanes believed that we were all created as one and split into halves that must find our missing piece, which is a good analogy to looking for love. When you find someone who makes your life feel fulfilled, you have found wholeness and love.

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