5. Hire yourself. | The Odyssey Online
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5 Ways To Get The Right Job For You Sooner Than Later

Economically viable entity for hire.

5 Ways To Get The Right Job For You Sooner Than Later

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Landing a job is a job in itself. The amount of time and applications should leave you with some compensation. It is unreasonable for someone to say you are not fit for them when you have everything they ask for. Being overqualified is more of a superlative than a skill nowadays. The market is unfair to those trying to get their foot in the door, but you are good for the job. Finding the right job is possible in these five simple ways.

1. Apply for the job you want.


No one wants to work somewhere awful. I have empathy for those working a job they only took out of necessity. But whether you have a degree or not, the job you want will be a reflection of who you are. If you have to work a job you do not want to get by, get by until you are ready for the job you want. Or if you want to land the job you want from the get-go, apply for that job. Understand what the position asks of you, see if you see yourself working there. You should not only work a job, a job should work for you.

2. Apply at the right time.


The best time to apply for a job is during January and February or September. These are the months where recruitment is the busiest. Employers are hiring new employees and making plans for the beginning and rest of the year. Summer and holiday months are slower for responses to applications. Of course, there is never a wrong time to apply. Be wary of when you applied and when a new opening is available. Apply early and be patient. If you did not get a response within two weeks from the date you applied, follow up with a phone call, email, or in-person.

3. Apply online and in-person.


The luxury of applying for a job online is convenient. You get your resume out there faster by email. Using the internet to apply for a job can be problematic though. Response times are not always automatic or punctual. That and the employer does not know who you are until you get an interview. Rather than wait for something to happen, go to the place of business you applied to. Share your interest in working there and give out copies of your resume. Not only have you applied online, but you have made a memorable connection face-to-face. Show them you are a person ready to work.

4. Apply for similar jobs.


Do not worry if the job you applied for chose someone else. There are plenty of jobs to fill to make you fulfilled. Make a list of the jobs you want to have and send them your application. The more jobs you apply for, the more likely you will get hired. Leverage your choices, measure the pros and cons of each position. You might have a chance to negotiate your responsibilities and compensation with your employer early in the hiring process. They need you to work for them. You are available, but that does not mean your first choice has to be your last choice.

5. Hire yourself.


The traditional process of hiring able bodies can be a slow and unrewarding one. Cut out the middleman and start your own business. Have people hire you for freelance work. The best part, you have more than one person to work for. No more cubicle, nine to five grinds. Meet people on your own time and live more independent than you have before. If job security is a concern, take up a part-time or full-time job on the side to make a second, steady source of income.

Work like you're the boss.

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This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator.
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