Walking On Eggshells in America
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Walking On Eggshells in America

When did America Become So Sensitive?

Walking On Eggshells in America

Dear America,

Listen, I understand times are different now... but have we ever thought that maybe that's the problem? You can't spank your kids without someone having an opinion on it. You can't execute murderers and child molesters because they might or might not be guilty and it's just too cruel. You can't say you don't want refugees coming into your country because "this is America and we accept everyone and our country was founded on immigrants". I could have that argument all day long but I want to save my breath for later. You can't say this, and you can't say that because it might offend someone else's point of view. But when is enough actually enough?

When I was a kid, if you talked back to your mom or dad... you got spanked. If I ever thought of acting out in public, lying to my parents, mouthing them, getting in trouble at school.... I got spanked. I'm talking they didn't even think twice. If we were in a restaurant and I decided I was going to act out... my mom grabbed me by the arm and took me to the bathroom and we had a come to Jesus meeting right there in that bathroom stall. My dad always instilled in me respect, and I had it. My mom instilled wisdom, and I had it. And you know the crazy thing? I still have it... because I was disciplined.

Dad taught me to love three things: America, Politics, and guns.

Mom taught me to love three things: God, family, and Yourself.

So when did this world become so entitled and feel like everything that everybody does is wrong? Or the world owes them anything? Newsflash: The world owes you nothing... you work hard for it and you earn it.

So please stop with the entitlement.

Discipline: Parents have a right to discipline their kids. This whole, "you can't spank your kids because that is just wrong" thing is getting real old.... real fast. If kids are never disciplined then how are they ever going to learn the difference between right and wrong? They're not. And that's the problem with some of the younger generation in this world, they were never disciplined so in return, they feel entitled to something.

People: Stop being entitled. Stop destroying cities because you don't like who won the election and you didn't get your way. Stop marching wearing vaginas on your head and carrying signs that say derogatory phrases on them. Stop acting like you're so mistreated because you can't act how you want to in public. Stop acting like a victim when you aren't. Stop acting like you're innocent if you're not and take responsibility. Stop giving out participation trophies to kids. That's just like making them more entitled, because even though they did nothing... they still get a prize. No. That's not how it works. When I was a kid there was First Place, Second Place, and Third. Anything after that... work harder. You don't see the Olympics giving participation medals. Gold, Silver, Bronze.. that's it. Anybody else has to work harder.

And to the people who allow this kind of behavior: Stop. It's getting us, as a Nation, nowhere to know that you are allowing people to act like fools when they're burning down cities. And to know that the police officers who risk their lives to protect us are getting bullied and beaten down to where everybody hates them, and you're allowing it. People kill people everyday. Rapes? They happen every. single. day. And 99 percent of the time, the guy is let off with a slap on the hand. And we preach to girls about what they wear and how they act. When in reality boys need to be preached to, to know the difference in right and wrong. Nobody is ever held to any standard anymore. They get away with almost everything.

Which leads me to another point: Police brutality is a thing. Racial profiling is a thing. It's sad, but it's true. And it's dismissed every single day. But where there is police brutality and racial profiling, there are also good cops and good people. Don't loop the good guys in with the bad, because bad is everywhere just like there is good everywhere. It's not fair to the good.

See, I'm embarrassed to say that I'm a part of the younger generation. Because I blatantly don't fit in with it. I love Jesus, I praise him everyday. I have Patriotism... lots of it, so let's not get me started on the Dixie Chicks. I love America and the Freedom and wonderful things this country has offered me. I salute the flag, I sing the National Anthem and I stand and place my hand over my heart when it's playing. I respect our President and I pray for him daily because he is in charge of us, if he fails we all fail... so you shouldn't wish him to fail. Times are different now, and I wish I could go back to when Patriotism and Religion actually mattered.

We used to be able to pray in schools, but now we can't because it might offend someone. We used to say the Pledge of Allegiance every morning before school. But now? There are children who can't even recite the Pledge to you because for some reason, it might offend other people. Oh, and 9/11?, they hardly even speak about it anymore. ISIS? Nobody in Washington really cared about them or took them serious, until they started beheading our people. Refugees? Who cares about extensive background checks, this is America we accept everyone... no, no background checks just be accepting. Sad thing is, some of them pass background checks and still manage to come here and kill our people (which happens more often than you think, it's just not always headlines because they don't want us to see that. Then that would mean we still wouldn't let them in and we can't do that... accept them, they're in danger in their country). Soldiers? Yeah, nobody really even appreciates their services anymore. Apparently now we stomp on our flag, or even better, we burn it. We even take a knee now during the National Anthem, and it's excused. All because we have the freedom to do so from the sacrifices millions upon millions of soldiers have made. And that makes it a-okay because nobody got in trouble for doing that and now it's the trend, you're not cool unless you do that and hate America too.

But, just remember this image when you burn our flag or think it's okay for others to do so; These are the lives that were given so that you could burn what they were proud to wear and represent

Oh and remember this image also when you decide you want to kneel for the National Anthem or support someone who does, "because all gave some, some gave all".

Let's just flash back for a minute and talk about when our country used to do the right thing? Justice. Every school shooting that ever occurred, the perpetrators were held accountable. Some are in a grave because they were cowards, some are rotting in prison until their death date shows up. But we don't need to do that anymore either, because it's too cruel. I mean, let's just all listen to Damien Echols and Johnny Depp about how the death penalty is wrong and shouldn't be done. Granted, I will agree with them and say there probably are a few people who are served with a whole heap of injustice, The Green Mile shows us that with John Coffey. However, there are many many people who are like Wild Bill... therefore, justice is served. Every man that assassinated a President, they were given a big dose of justice as well. In 1993 there was a shooting at the CIA Headquarters, the perpetrator was executed by lethal injection for capital murder. There was also a bombing on the World Trade Center in this year too by a terrorist group of 6 men. All serving a life sentence with no parole.

I mean, Truman didn't even think to hesitate to drop bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during WWII. Bush went straight after Al Qaeda when they attacked us on 9/11; he didn't even stop to think about what he was doing... he dropped bombs all over the place. Because they were to pay for what they did to us, and they were going to find out who was in charge of trying to ruin us.. and they did. Sadam Hussein? Off with his head. Osama Bin Laden? Executed... it took a minute but, executed.

I feel like some of our rights are being walked all over to please others, but who cares what I think. Because I mean, when ISIS attacked Paris? BOMBED. ISIS attacked Russia? BOMBED... Bet your bottom dollar Putin wasn't dealing with that one. But when ISIS attacks our people and is beheading them because of their religion? Crickets.

Our country lets everybody run all over us, we condone bad behavior from our own citizens and it continues... just look at Madonna, Amy Schumer, Katy Perry, and many more. They act out, and somewhere along the way we decided we needed to follow in their footsteps? When they have no idea what life is like in the real world? Because they're in Hollywood.. they remain untouched by all the negative effects of things. We completely forgot the founding Father's and their wishes for our country and we forgot to love the freedom that we were given.

I feel like if you don't love America, then get out. You feel like we aren't doing things right? Get out. Go to another country. See where wearing vaginas on your head and marching with derogatory phrases on a poster will get you. See where it takes you to act like you do in our country and what another country will do to you, just go see. Because some countries, all it takes is for you to be an American... just read about Benghazi, or watch the movie. Read Lone Survivor, Marcus will tell you. Promise you will want to come back before you even make it to day 2.

Stop whining about how mistreated you are when/if you are not. STOP GIVING OUT PARTICIPATION TROPHIES. Stop judging other people for their opinion just because it isn't yours and going out and destroying your city because of it. Leave people alone, be happy you live in America and have the freedom to do a lot of the stupid stuff some choose to do.

Learn what Patriotism means and then get some. Feel blessed, because you are. And then thank the Lord because of that. Because here in Arkansas, it doesn't really matter either way because we know we love God, our country, and the red white and blue. We have barbecues, drink beer and call those hogs on Saturdays because... why not? And then it's church on Sunday.


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