Why You Should Vote Pistol Pete For President
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Why You Should Vote Pistol Pete For President

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Why You Should Vote Pistol Pete For President
The Lostogle

Still deciding between Atrocious Trump and Crooked Hillary? Not quite "Feeling the Bern"? Confused as to who the hell Gary Johnson is and how he came to relevance? I'm happy to inform you there is another option, one you can't refuse, and his name is Pistol Pete. Here are some fabulous reasons why he has my vote:

1. Everyone Else Wishes They Were Him

Truth be told, Pistol Pete has many copycats wishing they had a fifth of the character that Pistol Pete holds. Both New Mexico State and the University of Wyoming have modeled their mascots with the likeness of Pete, very similar to the DNC modeling their platform after the ambitious Bernie Sanders. After years of legal issues, though, both universities remodeled the caricatures of their mascots.

2. His Fans Are The Most Loyal In The Nation

Unlike the current presidential candidates, the loyalty of Pistol Pete's followers never fades. The good Cowboys and Cowgirls at Oklahoma State and around the nation bleed orange, so much so that they are continually ranked as one of the top 10 fan bases in the U.S. All opponents beware: there is nothing scarier than the rowdy crowd at a game in Boone Pickens Stadium.

3. He Has a Strong Set of Values

Pistol Pete, also known as Frank Eaton, has a history for serving his country and his family with all his heart. After watching his father killed in cold blood by confederate soldiers as a young boy, he dedicated his life to avenging his father's death. In the meantime, he served his entire adult life as a Deputy U.S. Marshall. After his retirement, he become the beloved icon of Oklahoma A&M until his death.

4. His Style is Impeccable

As far as politicians go, Pistol Pete definitely takes the cake for having the best style around. From his oversized hat, to his luscious mustache, straight down to his pointed boots, no one can deny that he is a good-looking lad. Let's not forget that his face was crafted by the Walt Disney Company, which basically means that he probably has magical capabilities. Also, he has been known to have a certain charm about him, as riling up crowds is one of his ultimate skills. When he becomes president, he will definitely go down in history as the most unique president of all.

5. The Second Amendment is Near and Dear to His Heart

For all of you gun advocates out there, you will never find a man more protective of his .45 Colt than Pistol Pete. Earning his nickname after spending time training with the cavalry at Fort Gibson, he was said to have out shot every man in every shooting competition during his time there. Legend has it that his draw was even faster than the infamous Buffalo Bill. It was of his belief that "he'd rather have a pocket full of rocks than an empty gun".

With all of chaos surrounding the 2016 Election cycle, it can be confusing whom the right choice is to take on the White House. I can promise you that you will never regret standing behind Pistol Pete! He is the true embodiment of the cowboy spirit, and will definitely keep the pistols firing when elected to office. God Bless America, and Go Pokes!

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