You could probably guess by the headlines this has to do with the many recent shootings this past week. If you did, then you'd be correct. It's sickening to see our country filled with what seems like more and more hate by the day. I do know one thing, violence is never going to fix the brokenness.
Let me start out by pointing out the conflict of those who have been putting out the hashtag #AllLivesMatter. No one ever said lives were not important. The reason it is black lives matter is because the majority of the deaths have unfortunately been towards the black population. How have we reverted back to certain types of people being singled out and facing great harm. I thought we had come far from that but this year it doesn't appear so.
I'm shocked with the amount of hate our country has to face today. Some cops may be doing their job poorly but this doesn't mean random ones deserve to be shot. Fighting for peace with hatefulness isn't going to work, it is illogical. There are better ways to fix what is broken, safe ones. Where is the fighting for legislation, better testing of people who want to be cops/cops,
It's one thing to protest but to want to kill thinking things will change, it just isn't right by any means. I'm sad to live in our country at this moment. A country where freedom feels like a meaningless word now. There is a problem when a group of people feel fear instead of safety around police. I don't want to live in a world like that.
We now live in a state of being where people are losing their family and friends due to the wrongs of police. Also to people who know what to murder police for these conflicts. How are we to feel safe when walking the streets. There should be some change considering the Michael Brown incident. We need to crack down on corrupt cops, they shouldn't be immune from punishment due to their job. What happened in Dallas was going to eventually. Somebody was going to crack from no justice being done to the cops who deserve it. Fixing our law would at least make some progress in the state of horror America cannot seem to get out of.
When I say this I say it to everybody. Cops, shooters, typical citizens, listen up. Hurting each other will never move our country forward, it is a bug step backwards. The only way your actions will actually help, is if they are filled with peace and love. So "Spread love like violence" my friends.