Video Game Expectations in 2017
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Video Game Expectations in 2017

What's going on for the gaming industry in 2017?

Video Game Expectations in 2017
Eric Kain, Forbes

2016 was a crazy yet interesting year for everyone, the video game industry included. While the industry had great successes, flops and news this year, including almost hitting $100 billion, there is much more to come in 2017.

Many exciting games scheduled for 2017!

2017 is looking like the year of fighting games, with "Injustice 2," "Tekken 7," "Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite."

Telltale is renowned for their excellent storytelling in the "Walking Dead" game series and their new "Batman"series. Now, they are working on their take of Marvel's "Guardians of the Galaxy." There is no release date, but it will be coming out this year, maybe around the same time as "Guardians of the Galaxy 2?"

"Resident Evil 7," the next entry in the popular survival horror franchise, will release this month on the 13. There is already a demo out with multiple endings, making final game much more anticipatory.

For fans of Japanese RPG or more anime-esque games, "Danganranpa V3" and "Persona 5" are coming out this year, and there is much promise with the story and gameplay.

New intellectual properties (IPs) are scheduled to come out, such as "Horizon Zero Dawn," an open world action/adventure game, and "For Honor," an online hack-and-slash game where you play as old warriors (e.g. samurais, vikings, knights) in the medieval age.

"Red Dead Redemption 2" is the next entry to the franchise following its acclaimed predecessor. It was announced in October, but so far there isn't a lot of information yet besides the trailer, which features great scenery, ambiance, graphics, and a glimpse at the world and possibly new protagonists.

Nintendo Switch and new "Legend of Zelda"

Nintendo was a rumor magnet this yeaer, especially with their Nintendo Switch (orignally called the NX). Announced on October 20, this ambitious platform is a hybrid of a handheld system and home console. It also aims to target all age ranges, from long-time fans, to young children, and families.

"Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" is the next entry of the iconic franchise, and offers an open world experience with beautiful graphics and immersive gameplay. A portion of the game was playable at Nintendo's stand at E3 2016, and it was the talk of the entire convention. It was initially going to launch alongside the Switch, but its release date changed, making some analysts skeptical. But, it will definitely come out in 2017.

The Nintendo Switch is scheduled to be released in March 2017!

The future of VR?

There was a lot of financial promise and commerical hype for VR, but it was considered the least successful venture in the industry. After its poor sales during the holiday season, it was clear that anybody creating VR needs to change something. Like all new(ish) things, it will be expensive at first before it becomes more consumer friendly.

On top of odd promotions and advertising, complicated set-up (unless it's Playstation VR), and price ranges, it was difficult for the platform to take off like some analysts expected.

Now, that is not to say VR is bad. There have been some great games that came out on VR, like Batman Arkham VR, Resident Evil 7 demo, and Game Awards winner Rez Infinite. But, it's just not quite ready for the commerical market yet. We'll see what 2017 brings for this platform.

Xbox Scorpio and the Xbox series

At E3 2016, Microsoft announced that they were working on the most powerful gaming console ever, with crazy specs that may go over the normal consumer's head (I had to look up what a teraflop was, lol). But some people were doubtful since they just released the Xbox One S, so now people has to buy a whole new Xbox a year later if they want to do VR, or have 4K resolution, an dother promises.

Will it be successful? There is a lot of speculation, but regardless, we will let the consumers and sales speak for Microsoft's ambition next holiday season.

Nintendo and Mobile Gaming

Nintendo came to the mobile gaming market with "Pokemon Go" last summer, and it was a hit. It reminded people Pokemon was still here, inspiring both nostalgia and intrigue. In December, they released "Super Mario Run," bringing their most popular IP (intellecutal property) to the market as well. Needless to say, Niantic, Nintendo and DeNA got a lot of revenue for them.

Even though there was a lot of issues and memes with its release, "Pokemon Go" became a hallmark of 2016 with its global influence and the power of franchise. I remember when Facebook featured it in its 2016 Recap video (so emotional), and when it was in YouTube Rewind 2016.

"Super Mario Run" is only available for iOS (iPads and iPhones), and not Android. It will be released for Android devices in 2017. Let's hope more Pokemon gets released this year for "Go!"

First Year of Overwatch

The breakout FPS received Game of the Year in 2016, and everyone is excited about future content from Blizzard. Future includes obvious additions like maps and characters, but people are also looking forward to the world's lore, what will be revealed via animated shorts and comics, and how the gameplay will change. One thing in particular: Terry Crews as Doomfist!!

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