Valentine's Day Stories: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly
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Valentine's Day Stories: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

Sometimes love is just so awkward you gotta laugh at it.

Valentine's Day Stories: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

February 14, what a day. A day where it is completely acceptable to confess your love to a total stranger and have them (less) freaked out than normal, a day where you will discover how many of your friends are actually in relationships, and a day where some of the best, and worst, stories are made.

Love is in the air. We’re all so hopeful that Cupid will come and strike us with his bow of romance. At Marquette University, however, Cupid is a hit or miss with the ladies in the arrow-of-love department.

From asking a simple question on my sorority Facebook page, I received some of the greatest responses I have ever read. Which, of course I must share with you all. So here they are, the good, the bad, and the ugly stories of Valentine’s Day. Enjoy!

“I had a major crush on a guy and he FINALLY asked me to hangout on Valentine’s Day by stealing my number from a friends phone and texting me. I got so excited that my friends and me were drinking to celebrate. I probably had one or 10 too many, because when I finally got there I puked and fell asleep in his bed. This was the first time we had hung out and I was mortified. He waited until 2 to check me out (throwback to the dorms). So horribly awkward.”

“One Valentine’s Day, a boy had my best friend deliver me a box of chocolate, which when I opened it did not have any chocolate but a letter and a mix CD. The first line of the letter was, “there’s no chocolate in here because you don’t need that.””

“Freshmen year, my roommate got chocolates from a boy who ran into our room in McCormick dropped them on her bed and ran out. I sh*t you not. I sat there and he didn’t even say anything to me. But, he had texted me to warn me before, which made it even weirder.”

“One Valentine’s Day, my boyfriend ditched me to drink 40s with his friends and then posted a picture on Instagram of roses in the empty 40s.”

“Last year, my boyfriend at the time surprised me with a cookie cake for Valentine’s Day. We went out for the night and when we came back, we wanted to eat the cookie cake, and his roommate had taken a huge slice out of it.”

“A couple years ago Lady Gaga cancelled her concert that was supposed to be on Valentine’s Day, so I didn’t have a Valentine OR Lady Gaga.”

“My senior year of high school, my bae at the time snuck into my house (via my brother) cause I was away on vacation and left me roses and a teddy bear on my bed and it was cute. But then he dumped me a week later, and sometimes I think that’s as good as it’s gonna get…ALSO my room was a mess at the time, and my mom still jokes with me that’s why he dumped me.”

“Two years ago, my boyfriend and I ate movie theater hot dogs and watched the LEGO movie.”

“Three weeks ago, a Tinder boy asked me to go on a Valentine’s Day date with him, and my friend responded that I was going home that weekend for my sister’s birthday. I don’t have a sister, which he knew, and things got real weird, real fast.”

“So in sixth grade, this boy Matt and I had a little crush on each other. For Valentine’s Day, he gave me a red heart-shaped candle that he said floated in water. I filled my sink up when I got home and put the candle in the sunk right to the bottom. I took that as a sign."

“In high school, my (unlabeled) boyfriend and I decided against Valentine’s Day gifts, and when he came over he gave me a rose but made me give it to my mom instead….still concerned.”

“Last year, my boyfriend (ex-now) and I ate pizza, wings and ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner at a hotel watching all five Twilight movies.”

“It was fourth grade, and I got a Valentine’s Day card from my hunky and extremely manly crush, and I was so happy until I opened it and it said: “Happy Valentine’s Day Emily! P.s. my mom made me give you one.””

“Normally I don’t do this but I had a pretty awful Valentine’s Day last year…me and my roommate treated ourselves to a heart-shaped pizza and a cookie cake! We were stuffed. We both went to watch my boyfriend (at the time) play tennis and sat with his parents in the stands. I was sitting in the stands absolutely sick to my stomach. I turned to my friend telling her I HAD to use the bathroom. Since his parents were strict and he was playing, she told me to sit back down. Two seconds later, I get up running and threw up all over the tennis court…NOT only did the ball roll into it, but his parents definitely hated me after that…so embarrassing!”

“One Valentine’s Day, a guy was going to ask his crush to dinner but he got scared and asked me instead.”

“In sixth grade, my “boyfriend” gave me a chocolate rose and it was romantic AF. I never ate it, it’s still in a box somewhere in my bedroom. That was my first and last Valentine to date.”

“My best friends and I, who all happened to be single on Valentine’s Day, went on a big date together and ordered $100 steaks.”

Well folks, there you have it. The good, the bad and the ugly Valentine's Day stories from Marquette girls themselves! I don't know if reading this made your day, but I can tell you writing it definitely made mine.

Can't wait to see what Cupid does when he graces us with his presence at Marquette this year. Hopefully, no tennis courts will be harmed in the process....kidding!

In college we, sadly, don't give out Valentine's anymore, but this article is mine to all of you. Here's hoping your Valentine's Day was everything you dreamed it would be.

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