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15 Gifts Every College Student Needs And Wants, Before Their Second Semester

Everyone needs these things, so help a kid out this season!

friends exchanging christmas gifts in front of window

Help a college kid out!

1. Money $ $ $

You would be surprised at how many little things college kids need to purchase. Whether they can use that money to pay their tuition or go toward their books they need to purchase for each class. All in all, a little cash goes a long way.

2. Dunkin/Starbucks gift cards

Coffee is very important on college campuses because it helps anyone have some extra energy. Statistics say, "Edging from 48% of students drinking coffee beverages in 2016 to 50% in 2017. There is a marketed increase in coffee consumption by the younger age groups, contributing to the specialty coffee trend which has expanded in recent years."

3. College apparel

College apparel can be expensive and would be a great gift to a college student. Even getting apparel from other universities is a super cool gift especially if they love that place. For example, a lot of guys watch college basketball and football, so think of something like that when your online shopping.

4. Coffee mugs or a coffee machine

Coffee. Which is exactly what I need right now as I write this but, sadly I don't have any. Please save their coffee addicted soul.

5. Netflix account

Netflix has so many good shows. An account costs $9.99/month and it is so worth it!

6. Mac and cheese cups

Mac and cheese cups are really good for those nights that you don't want to leave your room and go to the dining hall. Mac and cheese or ramen noodles are both meals most college kids live off.

7. Extra Halloween candy

Hand over your extra Halloween candy because Christmas season is the time to indulge before those New Years resolutions. Before you know it January 1sr, 2019 will be sneaking up on you.

8. A lottery ticket

Although it is unlikely you will win the lottery, on the off chance, it can happen. So just a few lottery tickets can help better their chances of winning!

9.  New clothes and socks

Anyone wants new clothes or socks because they feel like they have "nothing to wear." Or if you are like me, clothes go missing into the abyss that is my sister's room. Also, the distance between the hamper, washer, and dryer for some reason helps socks go missing. No lie.

10. A vacation from school

If you can plan a fun outing on the weekend when school begins again it would be such a relief and good break from the stress of tests and GPAs.

11. Blankets and slippers

Anyone wants comfortable clothes, shoes, or blankets to make their room cozier. This is a great gift to give someone so they could stay warm this winter.

12. Beats

I guess this is a personal one. I would like headphones that can wirelessly hook up to my laptop, it would be so much more convenient then crappy earbuds. But, beats are also great at noise canceling. So, if you know it is on your loved one's list why not buy it for them. Warning: they are expensive.

13. Subscription to Microsoft programs

This is a big one If you are in any major involving Excel or Microsoft. It is so convenient to have it on your own computer so you don't have to travel to the library or computer room to find this software.

14. Pencils and colorful pens

Sometimes it is easier to organize by using colored pens. It makes planning and getting work done a lot more fun. It also good to unwind by drawing.

15. Homemade treats

Lastly, it is always great to have some homemade treats to eat when your a little homesick. Sweet or savory this is a delicious gift!

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