Updated: Shows to binge during quarantine
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Updated: Shows to binge during quarantine

Didn't think I would need to update this, but at the rate America is going with COVID-19 cases, this may take awhile.

Updated: Shows to binge during quarantine

As summer continues and we are all still suggested to stay at home during this jokingly insane times, I have come up with a new list of shows you can add to your list. I hope these shows can help entertain, pass the time and give everyone a break from all the extremely heavy stuff we see on the news and on social media. Enjoy!

1. Elite (Netflix)

If you loved Gossip Girl, you will definitely enjoy this Spain more intense version of it on Netflix. This three season show tells the tell of the rich preppy kids and the scholarship kids as they navigate high school at the elite Las Encias High school. Like many CW shows you've got your typical drama: popularity,boyfriends/girlfriends, and making good marks, however on Elite almost every season you will be wondering who did what and why. Each season takes you through a back and forth time frame that led up to a huge climax of a season finale. This is a great show to binge if you wanted see highschoolers live ridiculous lives all while being "normal teenagers."

2. The Society (Netflix)

Some may say this show is a knock off of The 100 (CW), and while they do share some similarities, they aren't alike at all. In this Netflix original, we see an entire small towns worth of teenagers get stranded in their hometown with no adults, no little siblings with absolutely no one. Image that! Getting stuck with everyone you went to high school with, sounds horrible and this shows how bad this situation really is. Like the 100, you have lots of drama but more things we as regular non sci-fi people can relate to. The mystery of why they are left alone and what exactly do they do next makes this show a pretty binge worthy show. With only one season so far and another set to come out in 2020 if COVID-19 will allow it, this show keeps you on edge and is pretty entertaining.

3. F is for Family (Netflix)

If you're a fan of adult animation, F is for Family will be right up your alley. I must warn you though, this based in the 70's Netflix original is just like your run of the mill type, using stereotypes as a form of comedy which some may find a bit offensive. Other than that, this show gives you a good laugh watching Frank and his family "suffer" as a lower class white family. This show is a good one to watch if you wanna see a character kind of go through on an every episode basis. While it may sound cruel, laughing at another's misery is sometimes what you need and this is a perfect show to do just that. You can binge the three seasons with the newest one just now coming out last month.

4. Ramy (Hulu)

I absolutely love this Hulu show based on comedian Ramy Youssef living his live as a Muslim living in New Jersey. I personally haven't seen any shows about Muslim American people just living life and navigating their religion in a country that sometimes isn't the most understanding. This two season Hulu original is one that will make you laugh and sometimes even make you a little uncomfortable (once watching the ending of each season you'll see what I mean. Not only is this a comedy show, but it also does a lot to educate people on Muslim culture. Know of course Youssef isn't the spokesperson for all Muslims but he does have a good way of through each episode giving those who know close to nothing, a taste of what it's like to be a Muslim.

5. Avatar: The Last Airbender (Netflix)

All my Nickelodeon fans have probably already binged through this amazing cartoon, for those who are on the fence about it - can assure you it's pretty dope. In a society made up of the four elements, Water, Earth, Air, and Fire the only person who is there to keep the piece is the Avatar, someone who has mastered all the element as far as bending goes.You'll fall in love with almost all of these characters and be completely invested in the cartoon's story line. Very similar to many anime shows, the show is filled with cool fight and bending scenes and lots of action. If it wasn't considered a classic before, after being added to the streaming giant, Avatar: The Last Airbender is without a doubt a classic cartoon for tons of our childhoods.

6. Little Fires Everywhere (Hulu)

I may have gotten to the party a bit late with this Hulu original, but I am glad I finally came around to watching this show. Though there is only one season and no word yet on if there will be a second this show has it all. Teenage drama, mystery, and some damn good acting from both Kerry Washington and Reese Witherspoon. The show is about these two women leaving in this "utopia" who appear to be living polar opposite lifestyles, however as the show progress you notice how similar than are. This show may appear to be another typical ABC regular cable drama, but I can assured you that this shows has ton of depth and a good old 80's vibe to it. Give this show a watch whenever you feel like watching a show that has a few controversies that can be debated among the family.

7. Hunters (Amazon Prime)

I haven't finished this show yet, but after only a few episodes in I must make the recommendation to binge this Amazon Prime show. This show reminds me of the movie The Watchmen, but tweak it a bit to fighting against Nazis. This superhero-like show may seems like it is straight out of a DC comic, it is actually based on some true events. Each episode feels sort of like a mini movie I must admit but, it is almost needed with the amount of stuff that needs to unpacked. On one side you have the Hunters, who are a group of people from various backgrounds who are after Nazis who still roam in America. On the other hand, you have those who are being hunted one of them being an absolute killing machine with a Nazi background. While the show is sometimes hard to watch, given the disgusting history of the Holocaust, it is still an overall good show full of action and situations to distract you.

8. Life in pieces (Amazon Prime)

Lastly on my updated list, is a pretty light show that has probably has took a page out of Modern Family's book, in telling four stories each episode on one big quirky family. The way I even heard about this show was from my mom who has been on the hunt lately to find shows to pass the time and she so happen to come across this comedy show. This is one of those shows you put on and kind of let your mind be at ease. No drama, nothing keeping you at the edge of your seat just a light-heart comedy. While to some that may sound a bit boring, it is anything but that. Each piece in the episode shows how abnormal this family is and I love it. You find all five seasons of this show on Amazon Prime now.

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