This week I deleted the Facebook application from my phone. I still find myself wanting to check it a couple times a day, but here’s why I’m trying to stick it out.
There are countless apps to check every moment of every day. We each have that select few that we cycle through when we wake up, before we go to bed, and whenever we have a chance throughout the day. You don't check your phone for two hours and suddenly you're concerned you may have missed something really important. You then spend the next twenty minutes scrolling through Twitter.
By far the most negative app in my experience is Facebook. Maybe it's because Facebook is where people go to argue. Maybe my existence on apps like Instagram and Twitter has just been sheltered. Maybe it's because Facebook is primarily friends you made because you had no other choice -- they were in your classes, they were your coworkers -- you became friends because of proximity. Whatever the reason, Facebook is a never-ending stream of people's very strong opinions... and also their entire iPhone camera roll.
Which is why I only made it 2 days after the election before I finally took a deep breath and deleted the Facebook app from my phone.
I've deactivated my Facebook before and let me tell you those months of my life were pretty nice. I couldn't take it that far this time though. I still use Facebook if I go through the effort of lugging out my actual laptop. But now I’m forcing myself to leave at least one social network out of my daily phone routine.
Things I've done instead of opening the Facebook app:
- opened a notebook and written down some thoughts with a real pen
- folded my laundry for the first time in two weeks
- put together a bag of stuff to take to Goodwill
- remembered why I downloaded the Best Fiends app all those months ago when I didn't have a Facebook
- played some calming games... on my phone
- checked out some new Spotify music... on my phone
- watched cute YouTube videos... on my phone
- written this article... on the notes app on my phone...
Okay, okay, so I'm still using my phone all the time. But so far, I'm still glad I'm not using it to fight with people, or "unfriend" everyone, or look at pictures of minions (it's 2016... minions are over, you guys.)
Feeling frustrated by the current political situation on your Facebook feed?! Or maybe you just want to see if spending less time on your phone is worth it. Try deleting the app! But not before you share this article so all of your friends know where you went.