I am an avid user of public transportation. And no I don't mean that I take the bus once or twice a month. I mean I take 3 trains and a bus every single day!!! And yes, I'm a college student and yes, I live in Los Angeles. Contrary to what people think, public transportation (Los Angeles Public Transportation) isn't that bad! Yes, there are several breakdowns, power outages, delays and etc. but it's a great way to get to know a city and the amalgam of people living in it. For about three months now, I started a list on my phone on the types of people I've met or seen. So here are the results!
1. The loud mouth
He or she is either talking too loud on the phone or is talking too loud with their friend who's RIGHT NEXT TO THEM. Their conversations are either severely uninteresting or extremely personal. There's no in between.
2. The “I can’t invest in earphones, but I bought a speaker” guy aka "I think I have good taste in music"
This person is probably blasting mumble rap if not some really weird electronic or metal music. The sound quality is pretty good, so the speaker must have been pricey. Don't they know that a pair of earbuds cost a lot less? You're not a DJ!
3. The “my bag needs a seat”
They see that it's a full bus/train. They know there's a lot of people (who are all probably tired) standing up. Yet, they refuse to move their small clutch bag on the seat next to them. Oh and if you ask them to move it, this GIF is exactly what they look like.
4. The “I want to meet new people”
You sit next to them and they immediately introduce themselves. They have a lot of conversation starters and ice breakers. They seem really nice, but you prefer to just look out the window and listen to your tunes.
5. Music and book
Ah, these people are my kind of people. Relaxing, being productive, and just enjoying the ride.
6. The awkward guy with bike who got into the wrong cart
You feel bad for this person because you know they don't mean to take up all of the space. The wheel of their bike is probably hitting you on the leg, but you don't want to say anything because they're already embarrassed
7. The Creep
Oh you know who I'm talking about. This person makes everyone feel uncomfortable. You probably got up to go on a further seat to avoid this guy.
8. The punks who sit on the disabled/elderly seats and won’t get up for the disabled and elderly
Who raised you?!
9. The huge backpack but has to stand up
This person can't get turn in the aisle because their backpack will probably hit someone in the face.
10. The “I really need a car”
Is probably carrying a bunch of groceries, laundry bags, and other things they need to run errands.
11. The jerk
This person has their feet up on the seat next to them, smoking, vaping, you name it.
12. The uptight
This person needs to let loose. Is probably micro-managing everyone on how to ride public transportation and will probably lecture people while they're at it.
13. The screaming baby
I mean you can't really get mad at the baby. But you also can't help but be annoyed when your eardrums are being blown out.
14. The uncontrollable toddlers who keep kicking your seat
It's like you're in the movie theatre watching the new Disney movie or you're on the Shrek 4D Ride at Universal. You're probably questioning whether you want to have kids or not.
15. The person who sits on the left-most seat so nobody can sit on the right
We all know THIS person. The human barricade. The "you shall not pass." Sometimes they just happen to sit on the left-most side because their stop is the next one. Nevertheless, it's kinda awkward asking to get pass them.
16. The person who doesn’t want to get up when it’s your stop so you hit them with ur backpack plus give them a 2 second lap dance
You know when you're sitting on the inner seat and it's time for you to get up? The protocol is that the person on the outer side GETS UP so you can GET OUT. But nooo, this person is too lazy and just slides their feet over to the side.
17. The meal eater
This person has their whole lunch and dinner with them. The food probably smells good and it's making you hungry. You can't stand the sound of their chewing. You just hope their drink won't spill when there's an abrupt stop.
18. The stringent business person
Probably works at a corporate office in downtown. Doesn't want to take their expensive car and park it out on a sketchy street. Also has a suitcase and a shiny suit.
19. The flashy fashion and accessories
Takes public transportation but is wearing a Gucci jumpsuit, lots of bling-bling, and a designer bag.
20. Tall guy who can’t fit in the tiny seats
This person's head is probably hitting the top of the vehicle and they have to crouch down to exit.
21. The rushing to an open seat if it means life or death
This person will push, shove, and knock over anyone in the way just to sit down.
23. The tourists
Taking pictures of absolutely everything. Has a map that nobody uses and is asking for directions to a popular landmark.
24. The first timer
Doesn't know where they are and is relying on the accuracy of strangers to get by.
25. The sleeper
Is snoring, drooling, and has probably slept through the stop they needed to get off on.
27. The extremely unique individual
We all know one. Whether it be the person who's painted in all gold, dressed up in all pink, or in my case, a guy who's toothbrushing his eyebrows.
29. The very angry person who's trying to exit but people keep coming in
Will probably yell at the crowd and say, "LET ME THROUGH"
30. The expert
Will help anyone get to where they're supposed to go and will even check up on them!
36. The Bird or Lime scooter that won’t stop beeping
Make it stop.
38. The memorable conversation
The person you sat next to and just had a really good conversation. You won't forget this random stranger!
39. The nosy one
The one who's always snooping and reading over your shoulder. You might want to turn down your phone's brightness.
41. The occasional artist
They have a sketchbook, a cool pen, and a wicked imagination. Will probably draw everyone on the train and nobody will ever see it.
42. The occasional musician
They'll bring an instrument on board and will entertain you for hours on end.
45. The tennis shoes and pencil skirt but don’t worry I brought heels in my bag combo
The career woman who is also a practical woman
48. The extremely courteous it’s awkward
"Do you want to sit down?"
"No thank you!"
"Please sit down"
"No it's okay"
50. The unexpected friends
Two people from different sides of town coming together and finding common interests. AH, the beauty of LA.
53. The person who stands on the left side of the escalator and creates traffic and causes everyone to miss their train
This rule is followed in basically every country and city except Los Angeles. Try standing on the left side of an escalator in Japan or New York, I dare you.
56. The Guy who is higher than the Empire State Building
Is it just be or does it smell like skunk?
57. The one who sits down and takes up a seat in a full cart even though they only have to get off in 1 stop
59. The accidental hair grabber
They grab the back of your seat and accidentally pull out a chunk of hair :(
60. The “I don’t want your hair hanging in my space”
When you have long hair, it's bound to hang off on the back side of the seat. But, some people take their personal space way too seriously.
61. Netflix watcher
62. The flock of students going on a field trip
Think raves are loud? Try sitting in a train with a bunch of 4th graders on their way to the museum.
67. The unofficial transit officer
This person will dictate all the rules of the train. Trying to take a sip of water? "EXCUSE ME, NO DRINKING ON THE TRAIN." Trying to eat a granola bar? "EXCUSE ME, NO EATING ON THE TRAIN." He doesn't even work there.
71. The hero
This person will stop that person from vaping or smoking. They will tell the person who has their feet up on the seat to sit properly. They will do things that you don't have the courage to do.
80. Rudey Mc Rude Rude
They look grumpy, probably work at a boring corporate 9-5 job, and also hates everyone.
81. Make up Guru
It takes skills to do your make-up on public transportation. I mean, imagine putting on mascara and then the bus/train comes to a sudden halt.
83. The Good Samaritan
Accidents are bound to happen on the train. Good thing there are angels on board no matter what the situation is. Ready to serve and help.
84. The translator
Especially in LA, there will be people who need help getting around that probably don't speak the same language as you. The best solution? Look around, there's bound to be at least 1 person who can help.
86. The one who can't get a seat
They're either too slow, too nice, or too indecisive.
87. The phony street performers that people willingly give money to
You know, the group of performers that all work together and perform a "magic trick"
89. The really elderly person you worry about even though you don’t know them
Did they get home okay? Are they lost? Did they fall? I hope they find the elevator.
90. The one who forces themselves to fit in a full train/bus
Suck in your tummy! Don't let the doors close on your backpack.