After four years of college winter breaks, I can confidently say that each time is filled with the same paradoxical emotions.
After finals, most of us can barely function due to the lack of sleep and constant brain power, so we desperately look forward to break and relaxation. Yet, within days of the much-needed time off, we always experience these same five conflicting emotions:
1. Disappointment that the break seems so short, but admittance that it is actually pretty long.
2. Happiness that there is so much down time, but realization that those few weeks fly by too quickly.
3. Thrill for the lack of homework and/or tedious assignments, but yearning for when things were so busy and you had an organized schedule.
4. Excitement to see your family and home friends, but a certain emptiness because you're not with your college pals.
5. Anticipation of all the things you now have the time to do, but also laziness as you find yourself wanting to sleep in or watch Netflix all of the time.
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