Trump And His Cabinet Are Butthurt About Saturday Night Live's Comedic Skits
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Trump And His Cabinet Are Butthurt About Saturday Night Live's Comedic Skits

Hypocrisy and identity politics are used to defend Trump's Administration and their Ideology.

Trump And His Cabinet Are Butthurt About Saturday Night Live's Comedic Skits
NBC Universal

Last week Saturday Night Live did another skit featuring Alec Baldwin as Trump and Melissa McCartney as Sean Spicer. In addition, Kate McKinnon took part in a skit that featured her take on Kellyanne Conway with a "fatal attraction" movie twist where she stalked another SNL actor playing as CNN's Jake Tapper. While the skits were hysterical and in good fun some media outlets along with the white house played the victim card. These media outlets went on to give really shitty reason's why these skits were in bad taste. For example, Daily Beast writer Olivia Nuzzi said "Casting Kellyanne Conway as Glenn Close was a miscalculation on SNL's part. It will be interpreted as unfair and mean to a wife and mother." In addition, NBC's own Andrea Mitchell said it was "Not Right" and The New York Times found that the skit was unfocused with a "queasy edge of sexism."

So what I have gathered from these two moronic political commentators Andrea Mitchell and Olivia Nuzzi, is that no one can make skits about Kellyanne Conway because she has female genitalia and she needs her safe space, blah blah blah. OK, Nuzzi and Mitchell just because SNL makes a skit featuring a woman does not mean they are ripping all women. I know you idiots can not look past gender while doing a news story but for once I beg you to research about the individual and not the group the individual may belong to. When I call Trump an idiot I am obviously not condemning white male republicans, right? I can not help but notice a really egregious act of hypocrisy here because Trump and his staff have not exactly been the ideal model citizens themselves.

Trump has bragged about grabbing women by their genitalia, threatening to kill civilians of other nations in addition to multiple violations of ethics, yet he thinks SNL is mean? I am pretty sure bombing civilians is much more harmful and mean-spirited than pointing out flaws in your policy and ideology. Trump's attorney general, Jeff Sessions, has quite the dodgy past himself. Sessions in the past had referred to a white civil right's lawyer as a "traitor to his race" in addition to saying "good people do not smoke marijuana." Guess that means Jeb Bush is a piece of shit, right Mr. Sessions? Anyways those comments were used against Session's and made him unfit to be a federal judge, however, it seems that racism is not unwelcome in the Trump administration.

In the end, all I am trying to say is that Trump, Sessions, Mr. Spicey, and Kellyanne has no right to complain. These flawed and bigoted candidates should not be complaining about how people treat them after what they have shown to stand for. For example, do you know why Obama's cabinet was never made fun of this much? Well, he did not have anyone with openly racist remarks appointed to his cabinet. His cabinet members did not make up fake massacres during interviews. Obama's press secretary was able to read white house briefings to a room of media personal without shouting and acting like an angry badly behaved child. Also, I do not remember Obama ever let a neo-nazi onto the National Security Council or refer to him as an adviser, unlike president Trump who has Bannon from Breitbart an alt-right news organization.

If you have not seen these skits by Saturday Night Live check out their youtube channel!

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