While the year isn't over yet, 2016 has already blessed us with so many college students triggered by their own reflection that I just couldn't resist but to drop the list a month early. For once, lets cheer to safe-spaces, trigger warnings, and these so called microagression's that these students demand we take seriously.
On one of the final stops of The Dangerous Faggot Tour, spring edition, Milo Yiannopoulos was joined by Dave Rubin who famously dubbed the term "regressive left." Apparently their talk was too much for this poor girl to handle. It's doubtful she ever made it inside.
After vandalizing college property she had a few words for her audience.
Skip to 1:20 and things get interesting. Apparently smearing fake blood on yourself really helps your cause.
Famously known as Trigglypuff, social justice warrior and fat activist Cora Segal just couldn't handle hearing Christina Hoff Sommers speak at U-Mass last April when she was joined by Steven Crowder and Milo Yiannopolus on stage.
Triggered by the Trump table at University of Pittsburgh.
A Young Americans for Freedom meeting at Kansas University recently went out of control when YAF and other students debated safe spaces. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/sep/26/so...
Milo speaks at DePaul University and the event gets taken over by triggered protestors.
Apparently legal immigration is awfully triggering.