As the end of spring semester approaches, we're all flooded by the same bittersweet emotions. We're relieved that an arduous year of school work is finally coming to a close. The end to all the perpetual papers, readings, and exams is finally in sight. This freedom from academics, however, comes hand in hand with the sadness of seeing people go, the difficulty of saying goodbye to those graduating.
Over the course of my first year of college, I've been lucky enough to meet so many incredible individuals. I have come to know a number of people who won't be gracing the school quads with their presence next semester. The thought of not seeing the people who have helped me mature so much throughout my first year on campus is honestly heartbreaking. Despite my sadness, I can honestly say that I wouldn't be the person I am without each and every one of them. Each one of you holds an indescribably special place in my heart. With that being said, here's a thank you to those seniors that have changed my life.
1. Thank you for helping me learn the ropes.
As a wide-eyed freshman, I had absolutely no idea how to navigate my first year of college. Thank you for not only directing me to buildings, but helping me on a much deeper level. Thank you for helping me through my homesickness, for keeping my hopes up when the pressure of school proved itself to be too much, and for helping me find my place. Thank you, especially, for holding my hand when I didn't know where to go. Your compassion is something I'll never forget.
2. Thank you for teaching me how to have fun.
Freshman year is hard. You're thrown into a new world with a sea of random people. Socializing is unbelievably tough when you feel like you have no one. Thank you for taking me under your wing and introducing me to so many remarkable people. Most of all, thank you for helping me find my place. I don't know where I would be without you.
3. Thank you for showing me how to love.
Being immersed in a group of people who have lived on this campus together for the past four years was an experience I wouldn't trade for anything. The unconditional love you've instilled onto me and the love you have for each other is the most genuine form of emotion I've ever been exposed to. Your hearts are the purest I've ever encountered. And to my boyfriend, who will be graduating in a few short weeks, thank you for bringing an unbelievable amount of happiness into my life. I am thankful each and everyday that our paths crossed on this campus of ours.
4. Finally, thank you for helping me grow up.
Thank you for the sleepless nights spent talking about the existential topics no one else wants to delve into with me. Thank you for the thought provoking conversations you enriched me with. Thank you for touching parts of my heart I didn't know existed. You understood me when I didn't think anyone could.
I'm going to end this with a John Green quote (yeah I know.. I'm sorry). "The truth is that it hurts because it's real. It hurts because it mattered." My sadness about all of you guys graduating is a testament to the impact you've all made on my life. My heart aches because of the support and love you've imbued onto me. I would rather hurt than not experience your presence in my life. So thank you. Thank you for making my first year of college unforgettable. I am so proud of every one of you and I can't wait to see what an amazing impact you'll make on the real world. You deserve the sun and the stars.