Transition Into Change
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Transition Into Change

Characteristics from the old double as the means to get to the new.

Transition Into Change

For some of us, the time is coming near where our normal will not be the same. Those people who have found a community will soon have to go. Those who are intentionally involved will soon have to step down. Those who have a routine from dawn until sunset which they consider their normal, will have to soon be prepared for what lies ahead.

Change is what is being pondered here. It is seen in everyday life, from the clothes we wear to the major being pursued. Change happens every day, but the instances which are most grand reveal to be replicas of that are the ones hardest to swallow.

It seems that the more connected we get to that which we are a part of, the more hurt that comes from the change that leaving causes. The transition from a state of normal might turn sweet memories bitter, smiles into frowns and celebration into mourning.

Among many, the end of the semester is upon us. At the end of any academic term, and every break usually comes a big change; especially when graduation is taken onto one's plate.

Upon looking around the university setting, many people can be seen trying to flee. Trying to cling to their love of the normal that college life has given them, doing so to resist the change that is ahead. The friends that they are with and the interests shared. The community built and the familiarity floating through the air! All being held onto in desperation in secret hope that the good things would continue to be the same.

The uncertainty of the future makes for a restless heart of this type. Even if the next few steps ahead are known, the doubt that is seen to sneak alongside is still there sneaking; hoping to extinguish any self-honor, any self-pride.

A big time that this applies to a lot of individuals lives is during the time of college graduation. Graduation in itself is great, but the heartache that comes with that deal is not so pleasant. Graduation is not the only instigator that can cause this, but a change in the community one belongs to can also yield similar feelings. See as fear of losing what has become comfortable and safe.

Known realities hold value, and have helped shape individuals into who they are. As hard as it might be to believe it in the moment, the hurt of transition has a gift that is rooted in the normal that one grew accustomed to; one that can never be forgotten. It is now a part of the individual, as it is ingrained on their heart. Nothing other than laziness can take that it tear it apart.

If it is a community that causes fear or the lack of that which makes one feel lost like that, take heart that with the skills from your past normals and a never give up attitude you will always be able to find people who will accept you for who you are. Fight to put yourself out there, to go out of your comfort zone. Out of this zone, is where the fruit of the seed of familiarity, clung to so tight too, and be found planted.

If a community is what is needed, and was the center of the old normal, it can be refurbished in this chapter of your life; not torn down and demolished.

Tools are what one gains from being a part of memorable communities. The person you are now is who you will still be! The foundation to take this coming change head on. To have the confidence to use the normal you grew used to shape the place you end up into somewhere you want to be; proud to be.

Going forward as a young person, continuing in academics or even beyond, it is scary but don't let that cause you to be dismayed. Change is not for the faint at heart for a lot of challenges it brings. Amidst the challenges of this new situation, remember to press into it and contribute intentionally to new communities. Doing this will allow a new normal to be born.

There will always be more steps to take, always more decisions to make that will react and cause a change to our personal world. Since this is the case, the most productive action that we can take in these situations is not to mourn for the past, but to use the past to propel us into the future! Allow the change in your life to be a motivator for the future and not an inhibitor that is keeping you in the past.

Take all you've known as the normal and make that into your greatness. Using it to be the best version of yourself, even if you have not a clue where the path of life is going to diverge too. Skills you have and the purpose that you hold will be the support that allows you to step out into your potential, and take with you the remnants of old.

Change is whispering in the wind, waiting for a chance to enter in. The internal transition might be harder for some, but through intention and follow through, a new normal can be instilled in you!

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