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A Day In The life Of A Transfer Student With Zoom Classes

an hourly look at my life this semester

A Day In The life Of A Transfer Student With Zoom Classes
Breanna Griffith

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Times are Definity different nowadays with the coronavirus taking control of practically our freedom to go to class in person and it has been a big change I am still staying on campus because one of my classes meets one day in person and the next on zoom and I do have one in-person class. The rest of my classes are in zoom rooms and let me tell you I don't think the teachers and students have been more confused about this format. But we teach and learn on because our education does not stop so since this is an article about zoom classes let me tell you how my typical days go. I do want to note that some of my instructors record their lectures on zoom and we can watch them recorded so there is no set time to meet. Also, remember to take frequent breaks throughout the day to help with being overwhelmed.

9 AM

At 9 am I get my Keurig started and drink coffee because ya know college students need coffee I am pretty sure that our blood is made of 50% coffee my k-pod of choice is the vanilla latte.

10 AM

I clean up my room a bit and make it look presentable because it is so much better to focus in a room that is clean. This includes tasks like cleaning my desk and making sure I have the right binder for the class that I am working on.

11 AM

Watch a zoom video and literally read like 40 pages in a textbook then I keep track of what assignments I need to do for this specific class because if I don't stay organized then it will just become a mess and I cannot work when it's chaotic.

12 PM

Break for lunch because by this time I feel so confined to my room and food so why not. This gives me a chance to clear my head and walk around.

1 PM

I go back to my dorm and prep for my Spanish zoom class.

2 PM

Spanish, have you ever taken a Spanish class online it is confusing at first, but I think I am starting to get the hang of it. It is awkward when you don't know Spanish and you try to communicate what you learned, of course, learning a new language is hard our instructor told us we just must keep at it

3 PM

Take a rest because I just had a lot of information thrown at me.

4 PM

Back at it finish up all my assignments for the day that includes reading 40 pages if you must. Sometimes instructors like to lecture over a whole chapter, and it helps to read it before you go to class to get a basis about what you will be talking about.

5 PM

Still working on the homework to get it done.

6 PM

Still working on homework

7 PM

A socially distant dinner with friends because you must stay safe, but still hang out and then after dinner I am done for the day so rest up and get ready to repeat.

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