5. Take work-of-art notes. | The Odyssey Online
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6 Tips That Will Help You Make The Most Out Of Your Toughest Class This Semester

Use these six tips to power through the hardest course on your schedule.

6 Tips That Will Help You Make The Most Out Of Your Toughest Class This Semester

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For some people it's English, and for others, it's science. For me, it's always been math. We all have that subject we either fear, hate, or simply don't understand. Whether you're taking a tough class to fulfill a curricular requirement, for your major, or simply realized too late that the subject wasn't for you, use the resources around you to power through the semester. Here are six tips to help you get started.

1. Get ahead of the game.


Have some free time between classes, in the morning, or over your next break? Get ahead by skimming the next textbook chapter, running some practice problems, or checking out other related materials. You'll feel more familiar with the subject, and perhaps more confident as a result.

2. Dress for success.


When I look good, I feel good. However tempting it may be to roll out of bed at 7:45 and show up to your 8:00 a.m. in your PJs, swap out the sweats for jeans and a clean shirt. You might feel better about being called on, or actually want to sit in the front row. Scared of scrambling in the morning? Lay out your outfit the night before, underwear, accessories and all.

3. Two heads are better than one.


Chances are, there's someone in your chemistry class who could use a study buddy, too. People are great resources, so get a study group together. Sharing ideas and information might clue you into a tricky topic. Pooling your notes, practice tests, and topic outlines will fill the gaps in everyone's knowledge. Plus, you might be more motivated to come to class if your friends are there.

4. You'll be glad you asked...


Asking for help can be tough. However, the farther behind you fall, the harder it will be to recover. Having a conversation with your professor might get your mental gears turning, and asking questions in class will keep you engaged. Trust me, your understanding is well worth a little discomfort.

5. Take work-of-art notes.


You won't want to review your notes less if they're boring. Keep your notes exciting by drawing diagrams, creating flowcharts, and writing in different colors. Taking aesthetic notes will keep you focused on the material, not your phone.

6. Never procrastinate.


Just don't. The longer you put off your assignments for this class, the more anxious you'll be. Instead of writing your midterm essay the night before it's due, chip away at it by writing a paragraph or two every day over the course of several weeks. The workload will feel far more manageable, and more importantly, you'll feel more in control. Treat smaller assignments with care as well, because if you're struggling to get your grade up, every point is precious.

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