The Top 7 Cheeky TV Comedies on Netflix
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The Top 7 Cheeky TV Comedies on Netflix

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The Top 7 Cheeky TV Comedies on Netflix

Merriam-Webster defines cheeky as “boldly rude, impudent, or disrespectful in usually a playful or appealing way.” Cheeky comedies are a must, they satisfy the craving for inappropriate yet fun jokes. You have probably heard of some of these shows but I’m sure you’ll find a new series to help you procrastinate your homework. This list includes the top seven cheeky television comedies that can be found on Netflix. If you’re looking for hilarious jokes and witty banter all stuffed into a binge-able series, this is the list for you!

1. It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, also known as IASIP, is a hilarious show that centers around the wild and increasingly confusing lives of The Gang and their bar, Paddy’s Pub. Each character is problematic in their own way and yet they are incredibly likable. The Gang consists of Charlie, Mac, Frank, and siblings, Dennis and Sweet Dee. But the character haul doesn’t stop at The Gang, there are tons of reoccurring characters who are far too funny. From the Nightman to the McPoyle twins, there are plenty of characters to laugh at. Another bonus is that every episode is easily re-watchable. There are 11 seasons of IASIP on Netflix currently and the 12th season is still airing on television.

2. Futurama

Futurama is an animated series that has been canceled several times, most likely on account of its excessive cheekiness. The world of Futurama takes place in the 31st century and follows the life of a 21st-century man named Fry who was accidentally cryogenically frozen for 1000 years. Fry works as a delivery boy for Planet Express while trying to adjust to his new life in the future. Fry’s best friend is a rude robot, his crush is a one-eyed mutant and his boss is his 150+ year old great, great, etc. nephew. The crew consists of Fry, Leela, Bender, Hermes, The Professor, Zoidberg, and Amy with tons of reoccurring secondary characters. Each episode involves a mission of some sort and might even include an important lesson. Futurama also shows many heart-tugging moments when exploring Fry’s past life. If you’re already missing your mother while at college, I recommend maybe waiting to start this series. Just make sure that you start the series before Lrr, ruler of the planet Omicron-Persei 8, takes Earth. There is only a part of the series currently on Netflix, seasons 7-10.

3. Limmy’s Show!

Limmy’s show is so unique and hilarious in every way and I can almost guarantee that you have never heard of it. Simply put, it is a sketch comedy show created by Brian Limond and he is the main character in almost every sketch. The cast includes Brian, also known as Limmy, and several other reoccurring actors. There are roughly 4 or 5 sketches per show, and they are expanded on in following episodes. But while you can watch any episode in any order, I highly recommend watching them in chronological order. Each of the sketches shown is original in more ways than one, they aren’t like the typical sketch comedies found on TV today. You will anticipate every episode and every sketch, all while laughing so hard that your stomach hurts. Word of advice, the characters have very strong Scottish accents so subtitles are necessary until you start to understand their slang and banter. Falconhoof will be on standby to guide you through your journey. There are three seasons of Limmy’s Show on Netflix currently.

4. Arrested Development

Arrested Development is often described as ‘underappreciated’ but has gained a cult following in recent years. The show actually became so popular that Netflix brought the show back for its fourth season six years after it had been canceled! This is a show that is so hard to explain, even the first episode is a little odd because you have yet to see the full span of jokes and characters. Arrested Development tells the story of Michael Bluth’s arrested development, Michael is unable to progress in life because of his family’s need for his guidance. The Bluth family consists of Michael, George Michael, Lindsay, Mae, Tobias, GOB, Buster, Lucille and George Michael Sr. The family has been struck by financial troubles due to their excessive spending. As Michael tries to dig the family business out of its hole, the rest of the family deals with their lack of money, taking orders from Michael, family drama, and their father’s imprisonment for embezzlement. Although the show might seem like a hard story to fit in- okes, the jokes are actually overflowing. The characters are insanely hilarious and the abundance of running jokes makes it easy to find other fans of the show! I would watch the show again but I’m currently on standby for the Blue Man Group. There are currently four seasons of Arrested Development on Netflix.

5. The Office (American Version)

If you have never heard of The Office, you’re a little late in the world of pop culture. The Office is a heartwarming and hilarious show with lovable characters that you will want to befriend. The premise of the show is a sort of reality show that centers around a small office, although the cameras and crew are never explained or addressed. From love stories to inside jokes, The Office is the perfect show to binge after a long week of assignments and tests. Most people who have seen the series have watched it at least twice, and for good reasons. The characters steal your heart and everyone becomes your favorite, expect Toby, of course. The cast consists of everyone currently employed through Dunder-Mifflin with minimal changes throughout the series. The cast, to name just a few, consists of Michael Scott, Pam, Jim, Dwight, Angela, Oscar, Toby, Kevin, Creed, Ryan, Kelly, and many others. There are losses, promotions, affairs, “that’s what she said” jokes and a lot of selling paper. You will feel many emotions because the character development is so deep… wait, that’s what she said. There are nine seasons of The Office on Netflix currently.

6. Portlandia

Portlandia is another hilarious sketch comedy show with a fresh take of Portland, Oregon. Usually, most people have heard the saying, “Keep Portland weird,” but have you seen how weird Portland actually is? Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein are the only two cast members with other reoccurring secondary characters. Each episode contains several sketches and the characters from each sketch will be seen again, usually later in the same episode. The two actors poke fun at a range of exaggerated topics from overly worried consumers to aggressive feminist bookshop owners. I really didn’t expect to love Portlandia as much as I do, but after watching a few episodes, I was hooked. I am sure that anyone who gives Portlandia a chance will love it. Fred Armisen is also known for his work on SNL and continues to amaze. Just remember that Netflix is free with a one-time annual payment. There are seven seasons of Portlandia on Netflix currently.

7.Comedy Bang Bang

Comedy Bang Bang is a combination of a sketch show and a late-night talk show. Each episode invites two guests for an interview, one being an actual famous person and the other being a fictitious character. The interaction between the host, Scott Aukerman, and the various interviewees is hilarious. Between the interviews, there are usually fake trailers or commercials added in which really takes the show to another level. With a variety of scripted and improvised moments, the laughs never stop. If you’re a fan of “Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis” then you will really enjoy this show. Fun fact, Zach Galifianakis is actually Scott’s first guest and makes several appearances after. This is the perfect show in which The Viewer Wears Sweatpants and uses Netflix to avoid their responsibilities. There are five seasons of Comedy Bang Bang on Netflix currently.

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