Top 5 Finals Study Essentials
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Top 5 Finals Study Essentials

The true list for the most wonderful time of the year

Top 5 Finals Study Essentials
DEG Consulting

As finals creep closer and closer, I’ve been seeing many articles and posts about what steps I need to take to be successful during finals week. These are some of my favorite blog posts to read, whether they're from Pinterest, a lifestyle blog or Odyssey. They give me a false sense of confidence as if owning that particular set of pens will actually help me ace my finals. What a great fake sense of productivity to mask procrastination! So, to add to your fake productivity, here’s my list of top five finals essentials that will guarantee A’s on your finals. Or, at least, will guarantee some good Snapchats and Instagram posts of your study sessions.

1. Iced coffee

Unless you live in an extremely cold climate, it is now so hot in most states that the concept of caffeinating oneself with the traditional hot cup of black coffee is absolutely out of the question. Therefore, instead of turning to the more desperate, horrible decision making cousin of iced coffee- energy drinks- you now get to have the excuse to go to that cute cafe off campus that charges five dollars for a cold brew but is oh so good. Each day you’re there “getting work done” or “meeting your study group” you will cringe as the barista swipes your debit card. But hey—gotta stay awake for all that paper writing, right? Or maybe you’ll write a paragraph, get out your dusty planner from the depths of your backpack and try and organize your life, all while having a very large iced beverage in a mason jar next to you.

2. A planner

Now, unfortunately, I am one of those stereotypical white, young, college aged females who swear by their planner. It’s my lifeline y’all! I’d be lost without it! And yes, I do write stuff in it, but let’s be real—there will be weeks where it is completely blank because I just can’t be bothered that time. Finals week, on the other hand, is a different story. YOU HAVE TO HAVE A STUDY SCHEDULE. A PLAN. A LIST. SOMETHING. Or, you will waste time on things, get burnt out, etc. And besides, where else are you going to use that large packet of fine tip multicolored pens you bought at the beginning of the year for organizational purposes? Get on that ish. Now. Before it’s too late.

3. Patience

You’re probably reading this saying- what? What are you talking about? Patience, patience for what? Patience for EVERYBODY ELSE AROUND YOU. This time of year, everybody’s done. Everybody wants to punch everyone else in the throat. Everyone wants to go home or at least STOP SCHOOL. Whether they be your boyfriend, girlfriend, mom, dad, best friend, sorority sister, roommate, housemate, section mate- whatever- you need to calm down. Don’t let all the crazy, annoying shit get under your skin.

Ha. Let’s be honest: it’s all going to get under your skin—this will result in tears, yelling, stress, pissed off attitudes, and tension in all your human interactions. Fear not everyone, this will soon die down. But until then, maybe limit your interactions with anyone else other than the research librarian and your Bio professor until the end of the semester? Maybe #3 should be the necessity of tissues for all the emotions you’re going to cry out over that mean thing your best friend said when you just asked if she had time to watch Netflix with you. Especially if you’re on your period.

4. Extra funds

Wow, the end of the semester. AKA, Nobody has anymore meal plan swipes, dollars, etc. and just can’t anymore. So, any logical functioning adult would just go to the grocery store and buy food right? Wrong. You are not a normal, functioning adult. You are like a newborn baby deer trying to walk- you try to make some basic one pot pasta off Pinterest and everything goes to shit. Probably because you’re so stressed you knocked everything over. So, lay aside some extra funds for eating out, it’s going to happen, or at least some funds to buy some Annie’s boxed mac and cheese. It’s organic, right?

5. Sleep

Ah, yes. You knew this one was coming. But don’t worry, I’m not going to harp on the “minimum eight hours a night rule”. No, no. Just get it where you can, people. Those people sleeping on the couches in the quiet room? Good for you. It’s probably quieter than your dorm room with your roommate having stress sex or watching Gilmore Girls late into the night. That person taking a quick snooze in the sunshine on the quad- you get those zzzz’s! You’re also soaking up that vitamin D that you haven’t seen in a week since you’ve been in the library basement that has no windows. But, of course, I would be a terrible advice giver if I did not at least request that you try to make it to your bed for some sleep during finals. You’re going to do poorly on your exam if you don’t sleep before. It’s just a fact.

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