The Top 5 Lessons I Missed At 'Girl Academy'
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The Top 5 Lessons I Missed At 'Girl Academy'

While women were teaching all of us to be proper young ladies, I must have zoned out.

The Top 5 Lessons I Missed At 'Girl Academy'

The older I get, the more I realize I must have missed a few days of "Girl Academy." While women were teaching all of us to be proper young ladies, I must have zoned out.

There are just a few things that other girls seem to know or do, that I just can't quite master. Where was I? Did I fall asleep? Was I sick? Did I miss the bus? Regardless of why I wasn't there, here the top five classes I missed at "Girl Academy."

Three Into One: Braiding

If you ever see me with a braid in my hair, I definitely didn't do it myself. Chances are my mom, friend or roommate, Taylor, did it for me.

Most girls learn how to braid at a young age. I was not one of those girls. I attribute this, in part, to my curly hair. Braiding dry curly hair proves to be difficult for even the most seasoned braider (Thanks for always trying Sarah, you the real MVP).

Until recently, I couldn't even braid three pieces of string together. I just couldn't wrap my mind around the whole idea.

I remember in grade school we visited a wetland. Ironically, we were in a drought that year, so the wetlands were, well, dry. One of the activities we were supposed to accomplish was creating a boat out of grasses and other plants. Each person in our group was assigned a task. Being the only girl in the group, the boys assigned me the task of braiding grass together (Of course, the only thing I can't do.) After many failed attempts, one of the boys did it for me. Even the boys could braid!

The Art of Disguise: Make Up

I really and truly have tried to learn the art of make up, but I can't even seem to pull off eyeliner.

The most I'll ever do is mascara and a single shade of eyeshadow, only for special occasions or the few times I wear cute outfits.

Occasionally, I'll throw on lipstick, but end up wiping it off five minutes after I put it on. I watch make up tutorials and stare amazed at the transformations. There is so much skill and precision that goes into it. I am also utterly speechless as I watch my roommate, Jessica, contour her entire face, blend eyeshadow and do her eyebrows.

In high school drama productions, I always had to find someone to put on my stage make up. I always felt as if I would do it wrong, or stab my eye out along the way. (Again, shoutout to Sarah for being my personal make up artist.)

One year for prom, my sister put a full face of make up on me, foundation and all. I felt like a clown and, in my opinion, looked like one, too. But hey, missing this class saves me time, money, and clear skin. I'll take it.

Wardrobe Mastery: Wearing Cute Clothes

If you catch me wearing cute, fashionable clothes, you caught me on a good day. I'm probably giving a presentation, or hanging out with my extremely fashionable friends later.

I am normally found in t-shirts, jean capris, and Chacos. I've never really had a "fashion" sense for myself. I'm pretty good at picking out cute outfits for other people, (right Brianna?) but when it comes to myself, I've got nothing.

I keep telling Jessica that when I'm rich, she's going to be my personal shopper. until then, I am forever asking my friends, "Are you dressing cute tonight?" It's hard to keep up with the fashionistas in my life. Even when their answer is "no," I still end up looking like a homeless slob in my casual clothes compared to them. The struggle is real.

Fabulous Feet: Shoes

I only have love for one shoe: Chacos (Be on the lookout for an article all about my love for them *wink wink*).

I was "blessed" with HUGE feet. Therefore, most of my childhood, and even sometimes now, I had to shop in the men's section for shoes. Now, I couldn't care less if my shoes are men's, but in the past it was a real rough spot for me. I could never find heels or dressy shoes in my size, not that I needed the extra height, I've been six foot since the sixth grade. Not many men's shoes are fashionable or remotely cute.

When I was 12, someone told me to act my age, not my shoes size. I laughed in their face and walked away. The number was the same.

In recent year, the fashion industry has opened their long closed eyes to the idea that women can have a shoes size bigger than 10. I am now able to find cute sandals, boots, and even heels in my size, but I don't seem to have quite the obsession for shoes as I have observed in others.

Winning His Heart: Flirting

I have no earthly clue how to flirt. Give me a male and I can become friends with them easily. But tell me to flirt with them, and I'm down for the count. I am so bad at flirting that I apparently flirt without knowing. I also have no idea when someone is flirting with me.

I had a lot of guy friends in high school. One in particular, we'll call him Dave, took me to prom after another boy basically broke my heart when he decided to ditch me as his prom date.

So, I assumed that Dave was just being a good friend. He took me and another friend to dinner and drove us to prom. He paid for dinner and was a complete gentleman. We we arrived at prom, my shyness took over and I left early. Only later do I find out that Dave intended it to be a date and was upset that I ditched. I was so shocked and confused. I definitely had not picked up on that. No worries though. We're still friends to this day.

I will always have my best friends to help guide me in the world of "girl." Taylor and Sarah braid my hair. Jessica and Brianna give me make up tips. They all give me fashion and flirting advice but most importantly, they accept me for the type of girl I am. They never try to change me, just help me when I ask.

Although I missed these classes, I don't think I would go back and take them (well maybe the braiding class, it could come in handy). Missing these classes doesn't make me less of a girl. They make me who I am.

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