Top 15 The Front Bottoms Lyrics
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Top 15 The Front Bottoms Lyrics

Out of the plethora of great The Front Bottoms lyrics, these are my favorite.

Top 15 The Front Bottoms Lyrics
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Anyone who is friends with me, or has been in close proximity to me, has probably heard me reference The Front Bottoms at least a thousand times a day. They are without a doubt, my favorite band. I have listened to all of their albums several times over and I still get goosebumps from their music, just like the first time I listened to them. The Front Bottoms are generally known for their clever and deep lyrics, most of which are emphasized on heartache. Although there are so many lyrics from The Front Bottoms that are flat out wonderful, to say the least, these are my fifteen favorite lyrics from them.

15. "You’re a flashlight in a dark room for the loneliest blackout. You were all we had left after it all was filtered out. I’m turning you on in a dark room right before we both pass out. I’ll turn you on when I need you, but the batteries ran out." - Be Nice To Me

Be Nice To Me is the 5th track on their EP Rose and is an amazing song. The track begins with the lyrics "I've got boulders on my shoulders, collarbones begin to crack. There is very little left of me and it's never coming back." This opening line takes us into what is believed to be a broken relationship between two people, and problems due to growing up and changing with age. The flashlight references in this lyric to the light of vocalist Brian Sella's relationship and how "the batteries ran out." This implies that the metaphorical batteries of their relationship mean that things weren't working out and he simply couldn't satisfy his girlfriend anymore.

14. "I shaved my head last night to start anew, in a chapter I call without you. And it’s going to be the best I’ve ever written. " - Current Events

This line is pretty powerful alone without explanation of the extended metaphor of the song. Sella sings of "an ending to a sad story on a Monday afternoon." Although it is a melancholy song, this line poses a very optimistic outlook on after heartbreaking events. Sella sings of starting this new chapter of his life without a particular person, and although it is sad, he is sure to make it the best one yet.

13. "I like the in-betweens, I like the time it takes to get somewhere." - Cough It Out

Throughout the entire album of Back on Top, the theme of not settling down is constantly reoccurring. Sella directly states this in Cough It Out , though, referencing a well-known quote "It's not about the destination, it's about the journey."

12. "Cause you are water 12-feet-deep, and I am boots made of concrete." - Twelve Feet Deep

I seriously swoon over this song every time I hear it. I personally think this line indicates that he feels helpless with this girl as if the relationship is making him sink. Throughout the entire song, it entails his negligence of his responsibilities and living life on the edge.

11. "You are the reason I'm smiling when there is nothing to smile about." -Peach

Peach, in the most literal sense, is about a guy and a girl in a relationship and he really loves her but he feels as if his flaws will get in the way of their love. He is grateful for her staying with him, but acknowledges his poor treatment to her and how she deserves someone better. All in all, this line is pure in the sense that he is expressing his genuine love for her.

10. “All of the sudden I am scared. All of a sudden, I can’t breathe. All of the sudden I am nothing, in this moment, you are everything.” - Bathtub

Bathtub is one of my favorite tracks off of their album The Front Bottoms. It's so beautiful with its heartwrenching underlying meaning about desperately trying to change but inevitably hurting yourself in the process.

9. “Right now I’m just a volcano, on the brink of eruption. Right now I’m just a psycho hell-bent on self-destruction." - West Virginia

West Virginia is the most complex song off of their Back On Top album. The track starts with the subtle sound of rain and the strums of a guitar. Building up from the slow beginning, the song spirals into a thunderstorm of emotion and agony. The song actually erupts with the feeling of anguish, it's a beautiful experience listening to this masterpiece.

8. “And I am confident, even if it makes no sense, I will say ‘I love you’ back to the love that I am given.” - Looking Like You Just Woke Up

I think my favorite thing about this lyric is the fact that even though his "love" doesn't love him back, he still says "I love you."

7. “When my mind is uncertain, my body decides what it will do to get through the hell of life. As I trip on the ocean that leads to your eyes." - The Plan

The Front Bottoms is actually referring to the song In The Morning by Built to Spill on this track. It's an echo to another verse that goes "I love you, I miss you, I wanna hug and kiss you." It's a lovely moment in the song and a great moment from the entire album.

6. “I will stop doing all these things the doctor tells me not to do, but I don’t think he understands, I do all of these things for you.” - Jim Bogart

5. "And if you need a little sunshine you can borrow some of mine. It's okay if you're unhappy, I would say before I leave her. Just take a look around there's no one here that's happy either." - Lonely Eyes

4." 'Is it raining where you are?', The only thing I could think to ask, But nothing ever hurt so bad as the 'no' that you said back." - West Virginia

I've already mentioned West Virginia , but a song like this deserves twice the recognition. This is the opening line to West Virginia and there is so much emotion in this opening line that it is one of my favorites.

3. "You are still here, you are still happy, you are still smiling and laughing. You are still the only thing and everything I need in my life" - Flashlight

2. "When I am sad, I am sad - but when I'm happy, oh god I'm happy. There's just no place in-between for us to meet" - Flashlight

I love this line because it's so real. I can actually relate to this lyric on a spiritual level, especially the feeling of not being able to proceed any farther in a relationship because of your emotions. This is once again off of their song Flashlight because this track is simply incredible.

1. "I totally get you, I was a birdcage and you were meant to fly." - Wolfman

I spent a very long time trying to conjure a decent reason as to why this is my favorite lyric. It's actually a simple lyric, but something about its relatability just gets me. I can feel my heart being ripped out of my chest every time I listen to this line. It might be because everyone has that one person who they feel like they were holding back-- even if that person is themself.

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