Top 10 TV Comedy Couples
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Top 10 TV Comedy Couples

Television's top fictional couples of comedy, according to yours truly

Top 10 TV Comedy Couples

Throughout television history, there have been phenomenal couples. Watching these TV shows, we can't help but want ourselves and our significant other to be like certain couple. We all have our own relationship goals. Whether we strive to be like Kim and Kanye or go for our favorite TV couple, we want to have something we can compare to. We want to have our friends compare us to our beloved fictional couples we all know and love. But who is the cream of the crop when it comes to our favorite couples of comedy television?

10. Ted and Robin, How I Met Your Mother

Some would argue that Ted and Robin were a match that was meant to happen from the beginning. But through all of the excruciating breakups, the wedding that almost didn't happen between Barney and Robin, it's hard to say that Ted and Robin are the best couple of comedy when they have a hard time sustaining their relationship at all. Going back and forth with will they or won't they, even many fans were disappointed with the major fail of the series finale.

9. Jess and Nick, New Girl

Polar opposites and extremely dysfunctional, Jess and Nick created some of the best moments on New Girl. However, their witty banter and utter differences makes them appear later in the series to be much better as friends. The entirety of the first and second season of 'will they or won't they' captivated the show's fans. You can't deny that their first kiss was probably one of the best surprises to come to television since Janet Jackson's nip slip. But with their now supportive friendship, they have the experience of being together to help each other out with future relationships. And with the show still going, who knows if these two will get back together. Stay tuned.

8. Rachel and Ross, Friends

Ross and Rachel have been on countless lists of comedy couples, and mine is no exception. Throughout their whole love story, there has been a runaway bride, a broken marriage, a baby, and a coffeeshop. From the first episode we saw Ross' evident interest in Rachel as he had a huge crush on her back in the day when Rachel and Monica were friends. From that first episode all the way until Rachel doesn't get on the plane, it is evident that these two, though coming apart at times, always came back to each other. Excuse me while I grab some tissues

7. Uncle Phil and Aunt Viv, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

Uncle Phil and Aunt Viv prove that you can be the coolest couple around at any age. Proving how similar qualities attract, both have the ability to be kind and sensitive, while also tough. They are a couple who take no B.S. from anyone, and who always look out for their family. Although the actress who played Aunt Viv was changed during the series run, her character and chemistry with Uncle Phil was maintained through and through until the show's end. Justice served.

6. Mitchell and Cameron, Modern Family

Providing witty banter and hilarious commentary on their lives with a dysfunctional family, and raising their adopted daughter, Mitchell and Cameron demonstrate how even if a relationship faces difficult times, you can get through it. Mitchell and Cameron stand up for each other when its risky, realize their faults, and, eventually, talk about their issues. Throughout the series, these two have not only been entertaining, but also an example of whether your relationship faces adversity or not, you can make it work.

5. Andy and April, Parks and Recreation

April's sarcasm, dark humor, and sorceress demeanor make her seemingly almost unlovable. Andy's utter stupidity and lack of common sense makes him the complete opposite. With these two being complete opposites, you would think it could never work. But somehow they do. They support each other's dreams and aspirations and always have each other's back. They talk about their problems and learn with each other how to be more adult than childish. April says to Andy when they're getting married "I hate most things but I don't hate you." Isn't that something that we all want at the end of the day? I think so.

4. Monica and Chandler, Friends

Proving that close friendships can blossom into even closer relationships, Monica and Chandler are one of couple's ultimate relationship goals. A steady guy who really cares and an ambitious, competitive woman, Chandler and Monica work together on their relationship. If soulmates aren't real that's just fine by them. They ended up together work on their relationship. Monica and Chandler have a best friend and someone to love the rest of their lives in each other. They make each other laugh, respect one another, and prove you don't need to change yourself for someone else.

3. Ben and Leslie, Parks and Recreation

These two started out disliking each other, both stubborn and driven, Leslie and Ben had long-term goals. Leslie's organization is a circus, it's intense, and Ben's nerdy know it all demeanor makes him at times arrogant. But these two brought out the best in each other. During the show's run, we saw both of them grow from competitive kids to love struck adults. Although their relationship saw ups and downs due to their work, and they even kept their relationship a secret, these two ended up together. And in the series finale we saw just how far their teamwork took them. Knope and Wyatt forever!

2. Jim and Pam, The Office

From day one it was obvious the love between these two and the crush that Jim had on Pam. It took them a few seasons, but the day Jim and Pam finally got together was the day that love could concur all! Though their work, marriage, kids, and Michael Scott, Jim and Pam worked together. They had fights but those fights seemed real to viewers. After Steve Carrell left the The Office, the show also lost its force. But Jim and Pam stayed together and stayed true until the end.

1. Marshall and Lily, How I Met Your Mother

Marshall and Lily seemed like real people that went through problems all couples go through. From anxiety about the next step in their relationship to jubilant celebrations of their successes, Marshall and Lily are a couple that put others to shame. They balance each other out, and you can't deny that as they get older their youthfulness stays strong. From the first day that Lily knocked on Marshall's door at college, their love was absolute and never ending despite all the ups, downs, and cocamouses. And that's love.
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