Top 10 Bad Changes in the 'Star Wars' Films
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Top 10 Bad Changes in the 'Star Wars' Films

I already talked about the changes I liked; now you get to hear about the ones that I loath with a passion.

Top 10 Bad Changes in the 'Star Wars' Films

For those who don't know already, I adore the "Star Wars" films (most of them anyway). I love the characters, the mythology, the story, and the vast amount of opportunities its universe presents. As a lead in to the release of "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" in December, I will be discussing a topic about "Star Wars" at least once a month. So join me and strap in, so we can all make the jump to hyperspace together.

As you may have guessed from the title of this article, I will be discussing the "Special Edition" changes made to the Original "Star Wars" Trilogy. I already made a list on the good changes to the "Star Wars" films last month and now I will get to express my opinion on the bad changes. To many "Star Wars" fans this may sound tiresome or redundant. As far back as I can remember, their have been articles and videos expressing the negative feelings toward the changes added to these films. Many of these choices will also seem familiar to people who have heard these grievances before. However, I wanted to make this list for two main reasons. One reason for this list was so I could express my personal thoughts on these changes. While many have written about them I feel like I can add some things that others haven't. The other reason was to express these feelings in the hope that we can see the original cuts of these films released (Hey Disney!... take the hint!). Now let's get on with the show.

10. Boba Fett's voice change in 'The Empire Strikes Back' (2004 DVD Release)

In the 2004 release, Boba Fett's original voice (Jason Wingreen) was changed to that of Temuera Morrison (who played Jango Fett in the Prequel "Star Wars" Trilogy). From a continuity stand point, I can see why this change was made. Boba was a clone of Jango Fett and it would make sense that he would develop the same voice as Jango. Putting aside the fact that Boba being a clone was a really weak reveal in "Attack of the Clones", I feel that this change was a big loss to the film. While I'm not putting Morrison's performance down (he made a great Jango Fett), I just feel that Wingreen's performance was the better of the two. Wingreen's deeper tone of voice adds a sinister level to the character and his gravelly inflection hints at a character filled with malice. Morrison, who's voice is commanding, lacks that sinister feel that made Wingreen's voice feel threatening and unsettling. This change took away some of the scariness and feeling of dread that came with his character. FYI, I was originally planning on putting the decision to change ghost Anakin's actor to the Prequel actor Hayden Christensen in "Return of the Jedi". I'm not a fan of his portrayal in the Prequels and that change felt like a slap in the face to the original actor, Sebastian Shaw. However, Shaw still played the unmasked Darth Vader, which means he still has a credit at the end of "Return of the Jedi". In the version of "The Empire Strikes Back" from 2004, Morrison's name has replaced Wingreen and, to my knowledge, still does. This small tragedy is what pushed Boba's voice change into number 10.

9. Added CGI to R2-D2 in 'Return of the Jedi' (2011 Blu-ray Release)

While this change is just a cosmetic one and doesn't effect the plot, it still makes me mad for that precise reason. In the film R2-D2 is hit by a stormtrooper, which makes him short circuit and causes his various devises to pop out of his body. In the Blu-ray release they added cgi lightning and even more cgi devises that move on his body. The cgi looks cheep (which is inexcusable for ILM), which makes their movement on his body look out of place and very cartoonish. These new effects don't add anything to the scene, which makes me mad. Why was this necessary, George? What did this scene add, George? You wasted time and money on something that nobody asked for and you made the scene look worse. That could be the "Special Editions" in a nutshell; adding a bunch of junk nobody wanted or asked for. This scene also highlights how bad cgi can stand out in films from the 80s, which makes it look off-putting and destracting. Speaking of which...

8. Greedo shoots first in 'A New Hope' (1997 Release)

Yep, we're talking about this one. The most infamous change added to the "Special Editions". The change that generated so much fan outrage that the phrase "Han shot first" became a sort-of battle cry against George Lucas and the changes he imposed. This is the go-to scene whenever anyone wants to talk negatively about the "Special Editions". In the original scene not only did Greedo not shoot first, Greedo did not shoot at all. Han Solo shot Greedo down before he even had a chance to fire. In the versions after 1997, they digitally added Greedo firing at Han's head and digitally moved Han's head to avoid the shot before shooting at Greedo. Lucas wanted Han to seem less like a cold blooded killer, but that robs Han of an aspect of his character. Han is a dangerous criminal and smuggler, he will do what he has to to survive. It adds a morally grey area to his overall character and hammers home his character arc over the film. He goes from a selfish criminal to a rebel hero. That and the effect looks weird. The head shifts so quickly that it looks unnatural and unintentionally comical. Han's lack of a facial reaction to almost getting shot in the face also looks weird.

7. The CGI added to Mos Eisley in 'A New Hope' (1997 Release)

Just like the last entry, I understand what George Lucas was trying to do. He wanted Mos Eisely to look larger and epic. He wanted it to look like a busy and crowded city to make it feel more real. However, this is another prime example of how adding cgi to old films looks awkward and makes things stick out. The scene constantly cuts to areas of the city that don't have our heroes in it just to seemingly show off the new cgi effects (effects that haven't exactly aged well). The late 90s cgi stands out like a sore thumb. Lucas' attitude toward cgi comes off like an over excited child. He adds effects to almost every scene solely for the sake of having and effect. Was it necessary for a large lizard creature to walk across the camera as the stormtroopers talk to Luke and Obi-Wan in the speeder? What did having a small flying robot go across the screen in a shot with a solo stormtrooper really add? The animators basically spent everything to ultimately add nothing.

6.Naboo added to the victory celebration in 'Return of the Jedi' (2004 DVD Release)

In theory, I actually like this change. Showing more planets celebrating the fall of the Empire gives the victory at the end of the film more of an impact. Naboo would be a great choice because it is not only one of the most beautifully designed planets in the entire saga, but it would also be a great way to tie the Original and Prequel Trilogies together. After all the praise I have been giving this idea, you are all probably wondering why it is on this list at all. One reason, Jar-Jar Binks was in it. You can't see him, but you can hear him yell "Wesa free" in the brief scene. George Lucas put the most hated Star Wars character and the walking embodiment of everything that was wrong with the franchise after "The Phantom Menace" into the Original "Star Wars" Trilogy. Is that a petty reason to add him to this list; kind of. Does his existence in the film hurt the story of "Return of the Jedi" on a technical level; no. Does my blood boil to the point of transforming into pure, concentrated hatred every time I hear him in the film; absolutely.

5. CGI Jabba the Hutt scene in 'A New Hope' (1997 Release)

The scene where Han confronts Jabba the Hutt in "A New Hope" was originally a deleted scene from the original cut. They used a human actor to act as a double and planned on adding a stop-motion effect of Jabba over him. However, the effect didn't work and they scrapped the scene. In the 1997 release, they added a cgi Jabba to the scene and cut it back into the film. Like I said before, adding cgi to an old film looks weird and unconvincing. It looks especially weird when you are using computer effects that look horrible even for 1997. What you are looking is what George Lucas signed off on. This ugly blob of pixelated play-doh is what George considered state-of-the-art for 1997, the same year that "The Lost World: Jurassic Park" and "Titanic" were released. You might also notice that the lines of dialog Han gives to Jabba in this scene are the same ones he gave to Greedo earlier in the film. This is because they cut the Jabba scene for the original cut and so they added the expositional dialog from that scene to the Greedo scene. This makes the entire Jabba scene redundant and repetitive, which ultimately makes it pointless.

4. CGI Dug added to Jabba's Palace in 'Return of the Jedi' (2011 Blu-ray Release)

In Jabba's Palace, at a point in the film when everyone is asleep in the palace, an alien from the Dug species (Sebulba's species) is scene walking around the place. I know this shouldn't make me that mad, but it still does because I am constantly left asking why. Why was that effect necessary? He's not a character that has any importance on the plot. Did George just see that empty space on the screen and feel it had to be filled with something. The creature looks like it was made using the low quality cgi used for the Prequels in the early 2000s, which looks twice as bad in Blu-ray HD. Like many changes, it's the level of pointlessness that makes me mad. The fact that George Lucas kept making these kinds of changes, even after fans voiced their complaints, shows a level of spite and contempt that he has for the fans who don't accept his changes. While I can't physically prove that statement, it definitely feels that way.

3. CGI singing aliens in 'Return of the Jedi' (1997 Release)

If I keep talking about the addition of bad cgi added to these movies I'm going to start sounding like a broken record. However the cgi singers in Jabba's Palace really rub me the wrong way due to how in-your-face they are presented. There is a moment where the singing female alien has her long mouth opened wide to the camera, like George was so proud of this effect and he wanted to force everyone to see it. The same goes for the furry male alien who gets so close to the camera and opens his mouth so wide that you can see the spit fly out of his mouth. It's like George wanted us to be impressed by cgi spit and he wanted us all to see it in its "glory". These scenes feel like gimmicky attempts at 3D effects, except the film was never released in 3D, so it's just akward and really obnoxious. Sorry George, these effects don't look that great and they shouldn't make me feel like annoying aliens are invading my personal space.

2. Added rock in front of R2-D2 in 'A New Hope' (2011 Blu-ray Release)

R2-D2 hides in a small cave after Luke is knocked unconscious by the sandpeople. It was a simple scene that was fine the way it was, which means George just had to change it. In the Blu-ray release they digitally added a rock in front of the cave, making the hole smaller and concealing more of R2-D2. The problem with this, outside of the fact that the rock looks like it was added by an amateur in Adobe Photoshop, is that it makes the hole where R2-D2 enters and exits too small. Looking at the hole makes you wonder how the droid was able to get inside the cave in the first place. This change is especially annoying to me, because it actuality adds a plot hole. The scene was more believable without the rock. This is the best example of how Georges changes can actually hurt the film. He wanted to fix a problem where there was no problem and in the process his "fixes" just managed to make everything worse.

1. Darth Vader's "no" added in the climax of 'Return of the Jedi' (2011 Blu-ray Release)

None of the changes made to the Original "Star Wars" Trilogy hurt me quite like Darth Vader yelling "nooo" while he picks up the Emperor and throws him down the chasm to his death. In the original scene, Luke refused to join the dark side and kill his father, Darth Vader (that is not a spoiler, that is one of the most famous twists in film history. If you are learning about this now, I would like to congratulate you on escaping that rock you were under for over 30 years). The Emperor tries to slowly kill Luke with lightning. Luke falls in pain and cries out to his father for help. We see Vader look at his son, then to the Emperor, and then back to his son. Vader is silent the entire time. The music slowly picks up the pace symbolizing Vader's inner conflict. The camera zooms in on Vader, still silent, the only sounds are those of his pleading son and John William's amazing score. Vader turns toward the Emperor, picks him up, and throws him into a long chasm; killing him. Vader collapses into his son's arms. It's one of my favorite scenes from any of the seven films. Which means Lucas had to eventually come along and ruin it. In the new scene, Vader yells "nooo" in an overly dramatic fashion as he picks up the Emperor. It is an over-the-top dramatic moment that ruins a scene that worked better when Vader was silent. Vader didn't need to yell "nooo" so we would know that he wanted to save his son, we were able to interpret that from his actions and the music that plays over the scene. The addition of the "nooo" just reminds us of the other time Vader yelled "nooo" in "Revenge of the Sith". That scene was so overly dramatic and bad that it became unintentionally funny and one of the most infamous scenes from that film. I almost feel like Lucas just wants to get us mad; he likes to feed on our hatred. This scene is number one because it destroyed one of my favorite scenes in the entire saga.

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