I hum a Drake song. All of the sudden, the man next to me in the grocery store is whistling it, the woman down the aisle is tapping her foot, and I realize the song is softly playing from the store speakers above my head. For something that takes up so much thought throughout our lives, maybe we should know a little bit more about the music we hear on the radio on a day-to-day basis. What exactly is it about these songs that so easily gets stuck in our head? Is it the simplicity and pure enjoyment of beats or does it reach beyond a simple taste in music? As an avid listener to the radio, it is difficult to bring the possible conspiracies behind today's hits to the surface of my consciousness. How nice it would be to leave all red flags within my subconscious where they so easily slip and slide into. With simple research and a little interest, secrets about today's music industry are ready to be uncovered. By who? Anyone who is brave enough.
Have you ever wondered why only certain artists music gets stuck in our heads? The fact is more than just coincidence. A combination of repetition on the radio and devoted singers both add to the ease in which songs so quickly slip into our minds. The artists in today's generation show devotion to their music in an unbelievable sense. Through simple YouTube research and internet surfing, evidence exists to support the theory that mainstream singers seek help from a power other than themselves in order to have insured fame and fortune. On multiple occasions, from multiple singers, there have been interviews in which singers admit to having alter-egos. Here is an example from an interview with Beyonce, a famous female singer, in which she admits to giving herself to her alter-ego:
Depending on how you define the term, alter-ego could simply mean another aspect of oneself, but is that aspect something singers can control? For many people, alter-ego's sound very similar to satanic possession. It is up to the individual to conduct his own research in order to formulate his own ideas, but I encouraged all to question the power and influence behind the music that we all hear daily.
It is unnerving to think that the music that frequently makes a home in our heads can possibly come from an evil power, but it is very possible and, according to some, very true. Be aware of the words and songs you surround yourself with and do not be afraid to question the source of a well-known song. Pay attention to the music that plays in the background while grocery shopping, it may be more than you think.