To My Valentine | The Odyssey Online
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To My Valentine

I've picked up fool's gold before, but you're the real deal

To My Valentine

Of all the guys in the world I'm happy to say that you are mine, all mine. I am about to get real cheesy and heart felt so prepare yourself for this.

I have never believed anyone when they tell me I'm pretty, and this and that but with you? I believe it, every. single. sappy. word. I give into you, and let in all the love you have to offer me with no regret whatsoever. For the first time I can say I'm not completely scared to let myself love you, but I'm still prepared.

You are my heart and I could not be happier. I would give my life to you with not one care in the world. You help keep me sane and figure out what's happening upstairs. You somehow accepted me with all my flaws and all my issues with everything. But most of all you don't have it in you to prosecute me for any of my problems mentally, emotionally and physically. you just let me be me with out yelling at me or wishing I was different and I can't thank you enough for helping me fix myself from the damage the others have caused me. You make me feel so safe and protected in your presence. I remember one night you stood on the phone with me while i was crying(it was that time) despite the fact that you had to be up early until you could understand what was wrong. I can talk to you about absolutely anything. You have helped me more than you could ever know baby, I hope you know this.


Butterflies everywhere at the slightest sound of your voice. And don't even get me started when you do that little side smirk of yours or even just looking at me. You are the most handsome man I have ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on, and I don't understand how you cannot see this. If only you could see yourself from my point of view maybe you would understand but for now ill just keep letting you know how handsome you are on a daily basis. If I was not dating you I don't think I would have had a chance with you, because after all you were the main reason I went to my seventh period class in high school even though we barely talked at all. You seemed like somebody worth knowing.

You have a way of somehow making me feel like the prettiest girl in the world even when I'm pimply in the baggiest of clothes, which is something i've never believed from anyone else. But the thing is most of the time its just your actions that make me feel insanely beautiful, like when you roll over in the morning, barely awake and pull me closer. Or when I'm casually standing and I feel you hug me from around my waist and you rest your lovely head on my shoulder for only a second because your much taller than my tiny self. I live for the moments you come home and just lay on my lap so I could rub your head while you take the chance to unwind and tell me about your day. I love making you tea, you know with the 4 teaspoons of sugar, a bit of milk and toast with cinnamon and sugar, while we sit at the table talking about whatever crazy theory we heard about on facebook. Or our spontaneous breakfast dates you have to bribe me out of bed for. I love it when you will come to the bathroom and actually enjoy watching me do my makeup and tell me I'm pretty even when I look like native American preparing for battle.

I love when I'm trying to be mad at you and walk away because you grab me right around my waist and bring me straight to your lap in a forced hug until I'm forced to break a smile. And when you take my hand and rub my palm with your thumb while casually scrolling through your phone and looking up every so often to be sure I'm still smiling like an idiot.

You're my bestfriend and I can literally be myself with you. You accept every. single. weird part of my being from my awkward moments/jokes to me playing with your ears or nose when I want your attention. And you are even prepared for me to randomly jump on you at any given time and won't be mad at for any of this. You put up with the copious amount of pictures of us and you that I take because you understand that I'm a memory hoarder. But all in all when I'm with you I forget that I have a phone and probably would even misplace it because your the most interesting person i've met.

You have no reaction to the absolute craziness that happens in my life, especially with my friends and family. That's actually how I knew you would stay around for a while when you took my brothers to store and bought them snacks while I was gone. I am actually more excited than nervous to introduce you to the rest of my very protective family. I think you could handle it. I don't understand what I did to get with you but damn I'm so lucky.

You tell me everything I have always wished someone would say to me and more. you never make me feel useless and unworthy of life. to you, in your eyes, I'm perfect and I cannot comprehend why. or even why someone as great as you wants anything to do with me. I just hope you know that I am so happy to have you in my life. Yes its cliché to say but nothing describes it better. I am the luckiest girl in the world as far as I'm concerned and although we haven't been together for long you have my heart. I can't wait to see what the future has for us whether its bad or good because as long as I'm with you I know ill be fine.

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