5. Thank you for always being there. | The Odyssey Online
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To My Girl Gang

Thank you is such an understatement.

To My Girl Gang
Bailee Padgett

Behind every girl is a strong and supportive girl gang. They're there for you unconditionally. Offering you endless love and encouragement as you go through this crazy thing called life. They definitely deserve some recognition for being a constant blessing in your life. Here's to my girl gang, thank you is such an understatement:

1. Thank you for listening to me.

Your girl gang is always one text, call, or FaceTime chat away. Let's face it, we can all be dramatic sometimes, well I know I can be at least, and I'm forever grateful for my friends putting up with me and listening to any problem I have. No problem is too big or too small for them. I could be suffering from an indecisive decision of what to eat or my next career advancement move.

2. Thank you for always being down for a girls night!

We all need our girls night out where the night is filled with shenanigans, tons of wine, and lots of laughs. I am so thankful that even with the distance, I can still get together with my gal pals for a night and catch up over some great drinks and food. A girls night out is good for the heart and the soul.

3. Thank you for pushing me to be a better version of myself.

Sometimes, you'll encounter people who will challenge you. Embrace the fact that a positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances instead of your circumstances having power over you. Your girl gang will push you to be a better you by reminding you that you're a great person and you don't need to succumb to people's negative and immature actions. You're better than that. I am grateful for my girl gang reminding me that I am better than responding to negativity.

4. Thank you for being as silly as I am.

With your girl gang, you can never take life so seriously. They are there ready to crack a joke, bust a move, do it all. I know that I can be my complete self with my gal pals, I may be given a look of judgment for my silliness, but it will be quickly followed up with an even sillier face or expression.

5. Thank you for always being there.

I don't know if it's telepathy or what, but the bond you have with your girl gang is unparallel. They always seem to know when something is wrong with me, even if I don't say anything. They call or text with perfect timing, offering me a shoulder to cry on when life sometimes becomes too overwhelming. They comfort me with words of ease and reassure me that everything will be okay. I cannot express how much it means to me to have your endless support, thank you.

Thank you

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