'Tis The Season Of Gemini
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'Tis The Season Of Gemini

Calling all friends, family, and, of course, my fellow Geminis!

'Tis The Season Of Gemini

If you have an obsession for astrology like myself then you all know what time it is! It's officially the month of the Gemini. Thank God it is finally here! Sorry Taurus's but your season is up and now the Geminis are taking over. Astrologically May 21st to June 21st is the season for Geminis and this is the span where Geminis truly shine. If you have loved ones, friends, family members, or you yourself are a fellow Gemini, you're probably wanting to know more about yourself.

Okay, Geminis are the most confusing yet amazing sign out of all the zodiacs. I wish I was bluffing but Geminis are honestly the best, so be quiet over there Leos because even though you all out there "think" that you are the best, Geminis encompass everything.

While the Leo wants to be the STAR of the show, the Gemini wants to be EVERYTHING; not only the star, but the director, camera man, and the producer as well! Geminis not only WANT to be those things but CAN be all of those things due to our incredible versatility.

Geminis are very intellectual and inquisitive. We can also be quite witty, extremely talkative; oh my goodness, we love to talk! We're also super independent so when one door closes, another one always opens. Nothing ever slows us down and we always pick ourselves back up and come back up even stronger.

The Twins, as you might say or some would call us, have two different sides to ourselves but it's not because we're two-faced as some rude zodiacs might say, it's just because we have a lot of personality.

Geminis are just like a kaleidoscope, we change within the blink of an eye constantly. One moment we're outgoing, flirtatious, communicative, and ready for tons of fun, but yet when the other twin is present, you can find us indecisive, serious, restless, and kind of irritated.

Geminis are honestly really big on communicating and establishing close relationships because we're extremely affectionate and kind. If you can't communicate with us and at least talk to us in a manner where you're not talking down to us, we don't want anything to do with you and will completely stand up for ourselves. With Geminis and people in general, you have to talk with them, not at them; there's a huge difference!

Geminis also have big hearts and just don't want to give them to the wrong people, but unfortunately, most of the time we do which makes us fickle in the area of love. Yet, besides that, Geminis are special especially because we're so curious about everything which is a nice way of saying we're kind of nosy, but who isn't?

Also we are not boring. Seriously when you're with a Gemini things are never boring. A Gemini is always your go-to party friend! We also balance work and play very easily and are sweet, sexy, smart, and sassy! We also imagine a lot and are very passionate about life in general because we're an air element, meaning that we are free, changeable, and just always on the go.

Geminis represent eternal youth and embody more than what most other signs are capable of achieving within their own lives. A Gemini is always the one to watch out for because they are always one step ahead of the game. Also, Geminis are stereotyped as hypocrites but that is not true at all. So what if we change our minds frequently? Who cares, it's human nature.

We are also very optimistic and try to keep a positive attitude about almost everything and we're also really fashionable too! Most of all, even though Geminis are emotional and can express ourselves to the fullest, we just can't tell anyone our deepest thoughts. It's really hard and if any Gemini were to tell anyone their deepest thoughts, it means they trust you a lot.

Overall, make sure you celebrate all of your Geminis in your lives this month everyone! They are genuine and vivaciously waiting to be appreciated! Take them out on a unique spontaneous adventure and help them be their true happy selves. Because without Geminis, life as we know it would be so mundane and repetitious, which is so annoying! So get out there and thank all of the Geminis that have made a difference within each of your lives.

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