Tips For The Incoming Freshman Class | The Odyssey Online
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Tips For The Incoming Freshman Class

College flies by, so always have fun.

Tips For The Incoming Freshman Class
Stevie Lewis

Just like that, July is almost over and so is summer. The end of summer is a familiar feeling that everyone hates. Time just flies so fast, that I’m actually confused about where all the time went.

I actually walked around my college campus a few days ago. It was weird seeing orientation groups walking around, looking bright-eyed and excited. I remember when I was like that. It still blows my mind that I am halfway done with my college career. So, I have some tips to the newest college class.

1. Don’t stop being excited.

Like I said, freshman orientation is filled with bright-eyed and excited students. Don’t lose that. Be excited about school and new adventures. If you lose your positivity, it’s hard to get it back. Continue being excited and loving your newest chapter of your life.

2. Admit to being stressed.

Don’t let hard classes and papers get the best of you. And most importantly, do not let them define you. There’s so much stress that comes with classes. Sometimes it may feel like you can’t breathe because you are so busy balancing classes, a social life and work. But trust me, a 30-minute break or nap won’t kill you. As long as you admit to yourself that you’re not invincible and you need a break, you will be less anxious. You have to relax and relieve stress because your mental health is just as important. College is not easy, so you should be proud of anything you accomplish.

3. Make new friends.

It’s true when people say you lose touch with high school friends, but it’s not a bad thing. When you leave your high school, you’re leaving people who’ve seen it all. But the people at your new college town, don’t know anything about you. That’s a good thing because you don’t have to stay in the same mold you’ve always been stuck in. You can grow and become more of yourself, without worrying about other people.

4. Join clubs or organizations.

By joining a club or organization, you join a group of people that carry similar interests as you. It also gives you something to do outside of class and the library. Get out of your comfort zone and be a part of something new. If you are intimidated joining something alone, ask someone to join it with you.

5. Have fun.

Besides papers and exams, college is really fun. You meet people who you know will be in your life forever at college. Don’t take advantage of these opportunities and don’t be too hard on yourself. Get out of your comfort zone, meet people, go to parties, do whatever you want to do. But just remember college flies by so always have fun.
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