Finals have arrived and the semester is close to an end, yet it feels so far. We all want to do amazing to reach that 4.0 GPA but your mental health is important! So to get through these finals here are few tips so you won't feel COMPLETELY dead.
1. Keep Healthy Snacks While You Study
As appealing as junk food sounds, it is best to keep healthy snacks that will fill you up like blueberries and almonds!
2. If You Don't Know It By Midnight You Won't Know It After
Your mental health is important just like these grades! All nighters are not the way to go and you will perform better if you have enough sleep than if you stayed up all night cramming everything at once.
3. Take 20 Minute Naps
As great a long naps sound, with just 20 minutes you will feel more energized than if you take a 2 hour nap. Even though more seems nicer, don't you ever feel less motivated after sleeping for so long? It is because your body had gone into a deep sleep mode and waking it up before a full sleep will make you feel "eh."
4. Cry it Out
Listen, I know I should not be saying to not cry, but sometimes exams can overwhelm you and it is best to just let those tears out. Once you finish crying just tell yourself, "I got this."
Do not feel like you are annoying your professors and tutors by asking them so much. You spend so much in tuition, so you deserve to know everything!! Better to be annoying than unprepared.