Thrift stores aren't for hipsters anymore.
They're everywhere and becoming more common! Consignment shops, thrift stores, quarter stores; whatever you call them. These days, when you say you got it at a thrift store and less than $10, you're the cool kid.
My thrifting days really set off when I began my first real job as a teen and my mom thought it was a good idea for me to "spend my own money." If there was something I liked, all I heard was "Well, you have money". All of a sudden, that shirt for $15.99 wasn't that cute anymore. Then I discovered quarter stores. Now, anything over $0.50 is over-priced.
Here are two sure facts about me:
1. I try to stay 'on point' every-day
2. My wardrobe is 75% thrifted
So I know a couple of things that could be life-changing.
Now, pay close attention to these life-saving tips:
Go through your closet.
Nothing sucks more than having no where to put anything after a shopping spree (because admit it: you're going to come home with more than just two shirts and a pair of jeans). But SERIOUSLY! Get rid of it if it should have been gone in 2005. Trust me, you have no reason to wear those fringed arm cuffs. NO, just no. While you're at it, go through your accessories and shoes. Trust me, you will feel much better afterwards. Here's an info graphic to help you out.
Determine your wardrobe style
Go through your clothing board on Pinterest and try to recreate the styles that you are aiming for. What pieces are you missing? What do you ACTUALLY need? What do you not need? This goes hand in hand with the previous tip. If you can not work the piece of clothing into three different outfits that you would actually wear, then it's time to toss it.
Determine Your Budget
Even though your spending A LOT less, the little things add up. You still need to keep track of what you are putting in your basket.
Know Your Places
Some towns are big, some towns are small. But, about every town has a thrift store. For a town of roughly 2,000 citizens, my town is surprisingly drowning in hidden consignment shops all around. Of course there is a Goodwill, but to be honest, after shopping at our quarter-store, everything seems expensive. Also, get to know the people there, they can help keep you in the know of sale days. If you thought a quarter was a great price for a shirt, try 10 cents for everything in the store!
Think Outside the Box
Those pants may look terrible, but they would look great as shorts! Found a T-shirt that has a cool design but terribly stained sleeves? Cut them off and you'll have a cute tank-top. Get friendly with YouTube tutorials, Pinterest hacks, and your sewing machine and you'll thank yourself later. But remember, some things are just too far from repair. You don't have to go for everything. LEAVE IT!
Try On The Clothes
It's worth the hassle. YES, you have the time. NO, you will not regret it. You'll picture how glorious you'll look in those pants and then you get home and...your butt says NO.
Don't Go Crazy
Just don't get every single thing there. You'll end up in the same place you were before: a closet full of clothes you do not wear.
Extra Tip: Getting rid of unwanted clothes
Before you toss it, try to...
Sell it. Donate it to your favorite consignment shop. Give it to a friend. Transform it. Fix it.