I shutter at the thought that I have one year of college left. And I tip my hat off to the seniors now because your time is here! I have a whole year left and I'm hyperventilating. It's time to put on the adult underwear and get my life together! Take a deep breath and stop lolly gagging! If you're not a junior yet here are some thoughts that you WILL (based on my current life) think about! As I started writing I realized I was sort of giving some advice to get you through these thoughts so I hope it will help!
1. I really need to find an internship.
Out of these three years one piece of advice that was consistent in all of these lectures from guest speakers is find an internship your junior year. It could be something small to get you some experience. But what freaked me out the most is when someone told me that businesses start looking for recruits fall semester of your senior year! That's next semester for me. I'm suppose to have a prospective employer by then?
2. What do I really want to do when I graduate?
Some people may know the answer and for these people they've determined this plan since freshman year. But if you're like me and you are kind of just going through the flow of what you found interest in, you will suddenly realize that you have to actually make something out of what you're doing. You have to find a job that you won't end up hating and regretting. And like all types of jobs, you have to start at the bottom in order to reach what you want. So, you're going to have to think, "what job do I what to start out with to reach my ultimate goal?" This requires research on research. You must create a plan!
3. I should probably update or make my resume.
Umm mine is currently a work in progress but don't expect to apply for any internships or jobs without a resume. Because sometimes that's all a company may want, no questions asked. And the sooner you write it the better. Because without a doubt you'll hear about internships left and right and like I said you can't apply for them till you got that resume or it's up-to-date. And you can never apply to too many internships so have the resume on the ready. Like ready on paper, and ready to be emailed.
4. Where am I suppose to live next year?
Do you want to stay on campus for your last year or do you want get your own place? What to do? Well what's everyone else doing? Wait, I should worry about what's best for myself. But nah, forreal. Because it's the end of junior and that's actually in six months. I'd advise those to really come up with a definite plan in fall semester of junior year.
5. Am I still on the right track to graduate though?
No, but seriously. You should check and make sure your still on the right path to graduate at your expected year coming into your junior year. Nothing's more of a downer if you find out you still have loads of classes to take and some gen. eds you need to complete and two semesters may not be enough time. It's better to know it now and see if you can make it work somehow and graduate in time!
6. Will I be able to do it?
At this point you're starting to realize not only do you have to worry about internships next year but you still have keep up with classes and your organizations. Tell that voice inside your head that you can! No matter what you have to make it'll work! It's what you've come to college to do. (And also what your paying yourself to do). If you made it to junior year you can conquer anything! Don't ever doubt your ability to succeed and you'll be able to work through anything. It helps me in completing any task. Now is the time to find the confidence in finishing this year and your last year strong. Hopefully your prospective employers will see this.
7. I should probably do the adult thing.
You should probably go adult and talk to other high authority adults about how you're looking for a job and could be of some type of assistance. Do that adult thing they call networking and making connections. But, eh! They may sense my pretending-to-be-an-adult facade! I should probably do the adult thing and get real serious about making my goals happen. *Pulls up britches* Here I go with my adult self.