It's that time of year again, and summer is so close you can taste it! But first, you have to pass finals week. Here are some thoughts you might have during this tough time.
1. I Won't Pass This Final
We all dread that one test (or more) that we feel like we won't pass. Well, all I can tell you is study as much as you can without burning out. Take 15-minute breaks for every 45 minutes you study. You can do it! Just do your best not to go crazy!
2. When The Professor Says The Final Will Be Cumulative
I honestly die a little bit inside when the professor says that the final will be cumulative. That means even more studying. Can I go ahead and cry now?
3. I Need Coffee Now
At this point, you are running on coffee and fumes. Coffee addiction is a very real thing guys. Even during the late hours of the night, coffee is essential to surviving the next day's test.
4. When What You Studied Wasn't on the Final
Welp. Nothing that you studied for that test was actually on the final. Great. Do you ever just get the test and laugh because you know that you are completely not prepared for this test and you have to laugh to avoid crying? Welcome to finals week.
5. Study Groups Are a Must
Study groups are so important during finals week.The more minds working together, the better. Just make sure the people that you choose for study group won't be too distracting to work with. It's good to have people help you that are in the same boat that you are.
6. You Have Never Been So Tired
You have to sacrifice sleep during this time so you can absorb as much knowledge as you can. It will all be worth it once summer break hits. You won't have to worry about studying so much until fall rolls around! Do try to take naps if you can during study breaks.
7) I Actually Passed That Test?!
The hard work finally paid off! You can now relax (not too much) and celebrate your victory with pizza (or sleep or both)! Either way, you conquered that final like a boss! Time to study for the next one...
8. I Don't Think I Can Look at Another Textbook Without Crying
There comes a point when you need to just stop studying and go outside to get some fresh air. Then you can come back to your studies with a fresh mind that isn't strained. At some point, you can only read so much before everything just starts blobbing together. You should just go ahead and take an hour or two for a break.
9. Last Final--You Can Do This!!
All of your studying has led to this moment. It is your final final. You got this! As soon as you turn in that last final you are free for the summer!
10. I'm free!
Time to blow this popsicle stand and enjoy the freedom of summer (unless you are taking summer classes)! You are free to go do anything that isn't studying!