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9 Moments From 'This Is Us' That Transformed Viewers Into A Puddle of Tears

"There's no lemon so sour that you can't make something resembling lemonade."

9 Moments From 'This Is Us' That Transformed Viewers Into A Puddle of Tears

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Spoilers! If you have not watched up to season three, some things may be spoiled. I hate spoiling things for people so please don't read if you don't want spoilers.

Since you are still reading this I am assuming you either are like me and am totally obsessed with this show so of course you are up to date with it, or you are wild and don't care about spoilers. Either way I think whoever is reading this can agree with me that "This is Us" is a masterpiece of a show. As someone who is a fan of many shows, I can honestly say this is one of my favorites. It is one of the most realistic shows I've ever watched.

Every character on the show reminds me of someone that I've met in my life. The problems the characters face aren't so dramatic that they become unrealistic. These problems aren't also solved within an episode. They happen over a period of time to make them even more realistic which I find to be refreshing.

This show makes its viewers laugh, smile and most definitely cry. At least if you're me it makes you cry a lot. Like a lot a lot. In no particular order here are nine moments that made you transform into a puddle of tears unless you are completely heartless.

1. At the end of the pilot episode when you realize that everyone is connected and that Randall is their adopted son. 

NBC Universal

During the first episode, there is no indication that Jack and Rebecca's story is taking place in the past while the triplets' birthday celebrations are in the present. It's not until the very last scene of the episode when a firefighter takes a smoke in the hospital that we begin to realize Jack and Rebecca are in the past. The firefighter explains how he found a newborn baby on the steps of his fire station and brought him to the hospital. It then becomes apparent that the triplets were born on this day and that Randall was adopted by the Pearsons.

All I can say is that once I finally realized what was happening and the difference between the past and present I cried. Knowing that Randall was adopted by Jack and Rebecca made me cry like a little baby.

2. William's death 

NBC Universal

William came into Randall and his family's life at just the right time. Viewers got to watch Randall get to know his biological father and understand the reasons why he couldn't take care of him. We watched as Beth and William bond over Randall and watched as Randall's daughters grew to love their grandpa.

3. When Kevin loses his dad's necklace 

NBC Universal

This is one of the first moments that we really see Kevin cry throughout the whole series. Up until then hed always pretended that he was a big tough guy who had no feelings. Once Kevin realizes his dad's necklace is gone we see a completely different side to him, a vulnerable one.

4. When Dasia destroys Randall's car. 

NBC Universal

This scene literally made me break down in tears. I couldn't stop crying when Dasia took a baseball bat to Randall's car after being told she looked just like him. This show has brought an entirely new light to the foster care system and adoption. Seeing Dasia break down really brought some insight to her emotions showing that no matter how great of a family is fostering you, you can still struggle.

5. When Randall suffers a mental breakdown and Kevin consoles him.

NBC Universal

This is probably one of my favorite moments in the entire show. Through flashbacks viewers are shown how rocky Kevin and Randall's relationship was growing up. Randall always felt like Kevin never loved him and wasn't there for him. When Kevin consoles Randall I couldn't help but get emotional seeing him help his brother.

6. When Kevin and Sophie's relationship fails for the final time.

NBC Universal

This was so heartbreaking to me because I felt that Kevin had just been searching for someone to accept him and he felt he had that with Sophie. While I think everyone involved that knew they weren't going to last given their history it was still upsetting to see them close the chapter.

7. When Kate and Toby lose their baby. 

NBC Universal

This was probably one of the rawest and saddest scenes to watch. As we saw Kate fall in her bathroom we all knew what was about to happen. To hear her scream for Toby and then receive the news that she had lost their baby broke my heart, especially knowing their chances of getting pregnant were so slim.

8. Dasia tells Randall to sign the adoption papers.

NBC Universal

This scene made me cry a few little tears of joy. Seeing the pure joy on Randall's face as Dasia finally tells him that she wants to be a permanent part of his family was absolutely heart warming.

9. When teenage Kate loses weight and still isn't satisfied. 

NBC Universal

For a few episodes, we watch as teenage Kate struggles as she wants to fit into a dress for her high school's homecoming. She stops eating and slowly loses weight and eventually fits into a smaller size, but isn't satisfied. She realizes that her weighing less won't make her any happier and I remember how sad I felt watching her frown at herself in the smaller dress.

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