Things You Never Really Appreciated Until College
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Things You Never Really Appreciated Until College

All of the little things that make a big difference.

Things You Never Really Appreciated Until College

As humans, we all do it, we go through life overlooking the small things; the small details, objects, events that make up our day. It takes a drastic change in a persons life to make them step back and realize how greatly the little things truly do better. And college is just that. It's a time to appreciate the many little aspects of daily life that have gone under-appreciated for far too long.

Such as . . .

1. Baseball caps: When first entering college the idea of wearing a hat to class seems unthinkable since most high schools have a very strict no-hat-policy. But eventually baseball caps in college will become your life-line. Whether you are cheating, sleeping, or secretly watching Netflix in class, a baseball hat is the perfect way to hide your eyes and not get caught.

2. Backpacks: Up until college, going to your locker in between classes was the thing to do. Sure, everyone began the school year with a backpack but it soon became unnecessary when you figured out that you only needed one 5-subject notebook for the entire day. Newsflash, in college there are no lockers! Which means a backpack is absolutely necessary. There is literally no other way to carry your notebooks, pens, calculator, i-clicker, laptop, wallet, waterbottle, and phone all at once.

3. Your Laptop: Hopefully it's a light-weight one with good battery power and a ton of storage because it will be the key to your college education. It is essentially your external, technologically-advanced brain. It will become your single most prized possession. The laptop is every students bestfriend.

4. Your moms cooking: D-Hall food is absolutely terrible. In less than a week you'll be longing for a nice homecooked meal. Before college, moms cooking was probably something you didn't even think about. Most of the time you probably didnt even go home for dinner. I bet you're regretting that now that you're in college, I sure did. My suggestion: stock up on moms lasagna, meatballs, pasta, literally anything that can be frozen/refrigerated and eaten throughout the week.

5. Your HS team sport: Not because you miss your friends or your coaches or the team-comradery, I mean maybe you do, but mostly because you miss being in shape without having to force yourself to hit the gym. GYM-LIFE IS NOT FUN.

6. Your liver: Never take this wonderful organ for granted. In college it will put up with a lot of your shennanigans. You will even find yourself feeling bad for it and wondering how it's doing every once in a while.

7. Gatorade: The only drink that tastes equally as good warm as it does cold. Not to mention, it is a fabulous chaser. However, if you use the same flavor as a chaser too often it will forever be associated with alcohol and will forever taste like said alcohol. Word of Wisdom: Drink (gatorade) in moderation.

8. Payless: Before college, having name brand shoes was popular but in college it does not matter one bit. In fact, if you try to wear expensive, name-brand shoes to a dage or party, you will leave both filthy and broken-hearted. Which is where Payless comes in. $10.00 for a pair of designated party shoes and you're good to go. They are a college must-have.

9. Amazon Prime: Create a college-student account and it will change your life. Anything you need will arrive at your door ( with free shipping) in 2 business days. TWO! Need a textbook or a phone charger? Amazon Prime them. Need flower leis or stick on mustaches for a mixer? Amazon Prime them. Need a new toaster? Hey, why don't you check out Amazon Prime.

10. Attendance Policies: These were always annoying because it meant that your absences were limited, however in college, attendance would be helpful. Most learning happens in class, many of which do not take attendance which results in many students not attending and as a result, not learning. College is the land of zero motivation and once you skip one class it's all downhill from there. NEVER BREAK THE SEAL (in an academic sense).

11. Homework Assignments: Another tool to combat the lack of motivation issue and are huge grade boosters. Homework was always a thing in highschool that you would sit in the hallway and copy right before class as it accounted for a large percentage of your final grade. In college, homework is almost never given. In many classes your final grade is based solely upon 3 of the worlds most difficult exams and nothing else. The occasional homework assignment in college is a gift from the heavens.

12. Rain jackets: Did these even exist before college? There were umbrellas and rain boots but rain jackets didn't really seem to have a purpose until having to walk a mile to class in the terrential rain with wind so strong your umbrella is permanently blown inside out.

13. Planners: "I don't need to write it down, I'll remember it." or so you thought. Two missed online quizzes and one failed exam later, you buy a planner and question why you had been so naive.

14. Emails: Sure, you get 10,000 of them a day, but they are ultimately bittersweet. The greatest feeling on the planet is waking up to an email from your professor stating that class is cancelled or your exam is pushed back a week.

15. YOUR EDUCATION: In high school, school was all fun and games. You got to socialize with your friends, drool over attractive teachers, and all you had to worry about was keeping your grades up to get into the college of your dreams. And then you get to college and have to decide what career you're going to spend the next 4 years (perhaps even more) working towards. And suddenly it becomes apparent that every assignment, every exam, every tenth of your GPA matters. You have begun to set the stage for your entire life and your future depends on how well you do right here and now. You are the future writer, doctor, teacher, lawyer, engineer, architect, or whichever path you choose, of the world. No pressure.

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