Things We Should Leave In 2015
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Things We Should Leave In 2015

And A Few We Should Take With Us.

Things We Should Leave In 2015

Here it is. The annual, basic, uncreative, and slightly negative, end of year list you come to expect: Things We Should Live Behind In (insert year). I will certainly not be the only one writing or even posting one of these lists today and many of my list entries will probably be present on someone else’s list as well, but it has to be done. Everyone has to make it known what they disliked about the previous year…but I’ve switched it up a bit (once again, I’m probably not the only one to do this) and added a few things I think we should take with us into the New Year. Well, without further ado here is my list (in no particular order).

Things To Leave Behind in 2015:

1. Income Inequality.

I'm sure you've heard about America's income inequality problem by now and whether you agree it is a problem or not you're probably sick of hearing about it. And what's the best way to ensure we never hear about it again? Leave it in 2015. It's absolutely criminal, and nothing short of it, that the top 1% owns 40% of the wealth and the bottom 80% only owns 7% in this country...the world's "beacon of equality." You may say those at the top have worked harder than those at the bottom so they deserve more money, but do you honestly believe the average CEO deserves to make 380 times the amount the average worker makes? You may also say that everyone in America starts out on the same page and anyone can achieve what they set their minds too, but the truth is we don't all start at the same point of the social ladder. Some start at the top some start at the middle and some at the bottom and some are even given ladder's with broken rungs. In order to leave income inequality in 2015 we are going to have to elect the right man or woman in next year's election and for that, only time will tell.

2. Xenophobia/Discrimination.

With the ascension of ISIS and the recent attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, I understand why people are afraid. No one wants to see terrorist acts we associate with the middle east start to creep into the western world...we feel as if our safety bubble has been burst. We must understand this though, this fear is no reason for bigotry and discrimination. In 2015 we should try our best to leave xenophobia, and all discrimination, behind. It is divisive and doesn't solve any problems. Banning Muslims from entering the country wouldn't have stopped the shooting in San Bernardino as one of the suspects was an American citizen and the other was naturalized. Spewing anti-Islamic rhetoric, or any discriminatory rhetoric at all, does nothing but tear this country apart.

3. Donald Trump.

This is honestly a no-brainer. This citrus-colored, wispy-haired bigot undoubtedly ended up on all lists of this ilk. Trump's meteoric political rise has been one of the headlines of the year mostly due to his ability to say the most astonishing and downright jaw dropping things whenever he's in public. From making Mexico pay for his glorious planned wall to his proposed ban on all Muslims entering the country Trump's proposed political policies have certainly been entertaining, but I believe I speak for a lot of people when I say we should leave this tangerine in 2015.

4. 21st Birthday Signs.

You know what I'm talking about. The signs that nearly every girl in America wears around their neck on the night of her 21st birthday. They come in all shapes and sizes and feature a one night bucket-list of sorts for the lucky birthday girl as well as illustrate girls' desires to constantly create arts and crafts. These signs aren't damaging the economy nor do they pose a political threat but they earned a place on my list because I just don't like them, mainly because they seem cumbersome. Why would you want to have a poster board hanging around your neck the entire night, especially your 21st? Isn't the impending hangover enough of a burden? They just seem like the classic example of "doing too much" in my opinion. In reality, these signs are probably here to stay because there are hoards of 20 year old's that nearly die with anticipation every time they see one of their 21 year old pals post an Instagram picture of themselves donning a martini glass shaped poster-board necklace with list items on it like "make-out with 2 strangers" and "throw up." So yes, it is safe to say I really want these abominations to be left in 2015.

5. Political Partisanship.

Those that know me, or simply follow me on social media, will tell you that I fall on the left end of the political spectrum. With that being said I believe we need a bit more political bipartisanship, compromise, in 2016. The Constitution was created to ensure that nothing gets accomplished in America until the majority of people agree about it. America needs a lot of change and the only way that change will be made is if Democrats and Republicans begin to make more compromises.

6. Gun Violence

2015 has been a year to forget in terms of gun violence. According to there have been 52,157 gun related incidents (327 of those were mass shootings), 13,251 deaths and 26,734 injuries in the United States this year. That is an average of 148 incidents, 36 deaths, and 73 injuries per day. These are outrageous figures that can't be ignored. When there are nearly enough high powered, killing machines in America that every American can own one there is a problem. I wish, for the only 3 seconds of my life, that I was a Republican so these words would be taken seriously. This has to change though. We can't continue to call ourselves a civilized country when we have such an absurd amount of gun related incidents in our country. I know the right to bear arms is a fundamental right in America and it makes us unique, but I believe it is time to reevaluate. Yes, the founding fathers wanted to give American citizens the right to bear arms, but that law was written at a time when one wasn't able to buy a military grade weapon with the capability of ending dozens of lives in a matter of minutes. This relates to my desire to leave political partisanship behind as well. This doesn't mean we should completely ban guns, but we need to reach a compromise and do our best to leave gun violence behind in 2015.

7. Pumpkin Spice.

Pumpkin Spice. The (once) seasonal flavor made popular by Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte has now infiltrated all other months of the year. I've never as much as tasted Pumpkin Spice before, but is it really that good? I mean there now exists pumpkin spice cereal, cookies, pop-tarts, chips, vodka, yogurt, ice cream, milk, protein, even pumpkin spice flavored dental sticks for your four legged furry friend. The only thing missing is a pumpkin spice flavored condom for those that wanna spice it up in the bedroom. I just think we have gone too far are there is no chance for a return to normalcy; however, it is still my wish to leave all things pumpkin spice behind in 2015.

Things we should take with us:

As I said in the opening paragraph I wanted to add a little twist and list a few things we should take with us from 2015 into the new year. After all, 2015 wasn't THAT bad.

1. Growing Progressivism in America.

With same-sex marriage now legal and 23 of the 50 states legalizing marijuana use to some extent America is certainly becoming more and more progressive. These changes may not jive with your personal beliefs, but I am one that believes an increase in tolerance is a good thing. One can only hope that this trend of progressiveness extends into 2016 and many years to come.

2. Meme Culture.

If I could dub 2015 anything it would be the Year of the Meme. The meme culture on social media blew up this year. There was a time when a meme was just a picture, but they are now videos, songs, and even moments. The cool thing about the meme culture is that most people find them funny. There is something enjoyable about simply positing a picture or video and joining in digital laughter with hundreds of other people. It is this kind of global connected-ness that makes social media so great and me want the meme culture to continue to grow in 2016.

3. Technological Advancements.

2015, soon to be 2016, is the present...but at the same time it is the future. We carry around super computers in our pockets, our military uses unmanned aircraft to carry out attacks and same-sex marriage is legal in the United States...this is certainly the future. With the future comes some incredible technological advancements that have the potential to make our lives better. CRISPR, or Clustered regularly-interspaced short palindromic repeats, is a gene-editing technology that has the ability to change the world. CRISPR can edit human genes and possibly eradicate hereditary diseases. Coupled with new clean energy technologies, and additive manufacturing that can be used to create human tissues and organs in labs I would love to see more technological advancements in 2016.

4. Netflix Original Series and Movies.

How often do you think the former execs at Blockbuster regret not buying Netflix when they had the chance? I don't know the exact number, but what I do know is that both companies have gone in completely opposite directions since then...I'm not mad at all though, and neither is anyone else. As of April of this year there were 40 million Netflix subscribers in America alone, and we all know that figure has risen since then. There is one reason for this rise...Netflix is really good. Especially their original series' and movies. In 2015 Netflix release 24 shows and 2 full length movies. Added to stellar list of shows like House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, and Bloodline I know I'm not the only one that wants some more Netflix magic in 2016.

5. Growing Craft Beer Culture.

Now that I am 21 I can publicly express my love for world's oldest, greatest, and most widely consumed alcoholic beverage without fear of repercussions from relatives and family friends, and that beverage is beer. I love beer..especially craft beer. Sure, cracking open a Budweiser or Coors is cool every now and then but those beers don't bring the flavor variety that craft beer and microbreweries can bring to the table. With flavors ranging from chocolate to floral there is certainly a craft beer out there from someone. In 2014 craft beer comprised 11% of beer in America...and that number definitely rose in 2015 with the majority of Americans living within 10 miles of a craft brewery.

6. Growing popularity of soccer.

In my opinion soccer is the greatest sport in the world. Hands down. There is not another game as beautiful when played correctly and there is not another that stirs the emotions quite like the game of football, or soccer. Four years ago if I wanted to watch my favorite team play on the weekend I would have to hunt for some god forsaken internet stream that had a better chance of giving my computer a virus than lasting the entire duration of the match. Now there is a game on television nearly every day of the week on channels like NBC Sports, Fox Sports, NBC, and even USA. The game is growing. While you may not personally like the game the global nature of the game is beneficial. Being exposed to different cultures makes one a better person and that is something the game of soccer gives you. Not to mention, the growing popularity means more kids will start to play the game...and their are few sports that offer a greater workout than soccer. So yes, more soccer in 2016 please.

7. Outlets like Odyssey.

I love writing. Most people would never think about spending their free time writing for random outlets for no reward, but its a hobby of mine and it is my personal belief that we need more outlets like Odyssey in 2016. Before I began writing for Odyssey I had a blog that I would write on every once in a while, but it isn't the same as this. It is much easier to write for an entity that publishes your work on a national scale and with a professional format. It also helps that Odyssey lets you write about what ever you want to write about, within reason of course which is perfect for those our age. Odyssey has become a place for me, and those like me, to express their opinions, vent, and really just write for the sake of writing. In a world of negativity, outlets like Odyssey are a positive spot and I would love to see more sites like Odyssey in 2016.

Well...that about wraps it up for my list and 2015. I wish everyone a Happy New Year!

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