5 Things We Really Need From Grey's Anatomy | The Odyssey Online
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5 Things We Really Need From Grey's Anatomy

Shonda can you help us out?

5 Things We Really Need From Grey's Anatomy
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Grey's Anatomy has kept millions of viewers and loyal followers glued to the T.V. or addicted to the series. Producer Shonda Rhimes outdoes herself time and time again. Grey's fans despise, yet adore her all at the same time. She takes our beloved characters away from us, while introducing us to new ones that we begin to love just the same. Grey's fans everywhere have an immediate bond when they meet. Finding out someone you know, just met, or meeting fans through social media pages connects many of us, and we begin to feel inseparable, or like we just met our new best friend. However, there are a few things that we loyal followers would like to see happen on the show. Attention Shonda, here are the five elements we are in desperate need of.

1. The Kids

Zola stole our hearts with just a glace. Her story and how MerDer adopted her is just all too amazing. Bailey and Ellis were also nothing shy of miracles. Not to mention this is how Mcdreamy lives on! We need to see more of these beautiful little children.

2. Alex & Jo

JUST GET MARRIED ALREADY! These two are perfect for each other and head over heels in love. They're both damaged in so many ways and been through too much crap to even keep track of. Alex and Jo are meant to be. It's almost as if they've been in search of each other all along. Hopefully we will hear wedding bells in the near future.

3. Addison

Lets face it, we all hated Satan at first (or as she likes to be called, ruler of all that is evil). She came in like a tornado, and ruined our favorite television couple. But not long after we despised her, we fell in love with her. She's captain of the vagina squad and a world class surgeon. She should get half the credit for the doctor that Karev turned out to be. Also, she's a badass! She NEEDS to make a comeback and quick!

4. Christina

What the hell, did she fall off the face of the earth? I don't care if she's in another country, she still needs to be on the show. Meredith isn't Meredith without her. Can't we even get to hear a phone call with her? Christina is our beloved control freak, pessimist, and all around psycho. We miss her mental break downs, overly confident attitude, drunken nights at Joe's, and not to mention, the dance parties! CHRISTINA, COME BACK!

5. Mcdreamy

Ok, I know that everyone else is thinking it. How can we bring back Derek? Me personally, I've created this vision in the head that Grey's Anatomy is all a dream, and Meredith is about to wake up and face her reality. A reality that includes meeting Mcdreamy all over again and having a life together. And a life that doesn't involve a tragic accident where he dies. Hearts all over the world were crushed as he made his exit from our world and we will be mourning forever. Someday, someway, somehow, we must get MerDer back together.

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