My most favorite thing in this entire world is when people tell me that I am just like you. I love when people say that our laughs are so alike and that our humor is scarily alike. To be compared to you is the highest form of flattery I've ever been subjected to. I can't physically express how much I miss you, but I know you're with me. I can't explain it, but Jesus is making it happen. If you were next to me right now as I sit typing these bittersweet words there are a few things I would want you to know—I hope you can hear me, angel.
1. Mama is doing okay.
She's back to her old antics. She answers the phone singing a silly song to make me laugh and can hardly contain her own laughter. She's almost out of hand sometimes to be honest, but I wouldn't have her any other way.
2. I found the man I'm going to marry—And I'm so happy you got to meet him.
So, you probably saw this one coming. You tended to know things long before I did. But it's definitely him. It always has been.
3. I'm growing my hair out again.
You always loved how long it could get and told me to keep it growing, growing, growing.
4. We haven't stopped talking about you since the day you left us.
You might even wish we would since it makes us sad. You above anyone else wanted there to be laughter filling our lives every second of every day. Make no mistake though—when we're talking about you we can't help but laugh at some ill-timed, inappropriate joke you no doubt told us with no concern for filtering yourself.
5. I see red birds all the time—thank you for checking in on us.
I know that's you sending me a little reminder to smile. I feel so certain that sometimes you wish that bird could talk so you could tell me something outrageously funny.
6. George graduated from college.
That's right, Yiayia. One of your fab five got his diploma. The rest of us are still grinding it out at school day by day and hoping to make you immensely proud on our graduation days just like we know you were on his.
7. I'm going to cook through your recipe book.
This might be a complete and total disaster. But, I'm really going to try. And don't worry, I won't let Mama do anything unsupervised.
8. I'm going to be a writer.
Well, hopefully. I have no idea what Jesus has in store for me, but I really want to write. I want to write any and everything, report facts and recite poetry, be the author of a fiction novel and so much more.
9. I will never forget those late night bowls of fruit loops.
This was your signature. A huge dinner that you either cooked or we ordered from one of our favorite take-out places was never enough. Somehow, we always found room for fruit loops.
10. Your support in every single thing I did will always mean the world to me.Â
I don't think I would possess half of the confidence that I do today if it wasn't for you. You never, ever failed to encourage me and advise me to the best of your abilities. I have never met a better listener or anyone on earth who loves me more unconditionally than you did. I owe a large part of who I am to you.
11. You could not have loved me better.
You could not have loved any of your grandchildren better than you did, sweet Yiayia. It's not possible. You need to know that more than anything else.
12. We could not love you more.
We are always going to love you more than you'll ever know. To say the feeling was mutual is an understatement.
13. The beach is our happy place because of you.
You made the beach even more incredible by making it a memory of you. I'll never forget you sitting on the sand, right where the waves hit, waiting for the prettiest shells to come right to you. And they always did.
14. I am honored to have your middle name.
It makes me feel fuller. I feel stronger, more confident in my comedic capabilities and in my ability to love the people I love with all of my heart.
15. Uncle and Yiyi are doing okay, too.
All of your children are happy as clams. You gave them what they needed to be the greatest parents to all of us that they could be and to love us in an indescribable way.
16. Thank you for teaching me so many wonderful things about our heritage.
I am prouder than you know to have a little bit of Arahova in me. To be able to call a place across the world 'home' because of you (and Baboonie, of course) is beyond amazing.
17. My Greek has gotten even better.
Okay, maybe not that much, but I can read at like a first grade level now. I'm impressed with myself, at least. I pretty confident that you would be impressed and proud of me too.
18. I miss you every day.
I couldn't help this part if I wanted to. I think of you in the little things I do and I constantly picture your face and hear your laugh and see your little shoulders shake up and down when you find something particularly funny. Your smile lit up the entire room and your voice made everyone happy as soon as you said something.
I know you're with me. I promise you that I do. I don't ever feel like I'm without you but I definitely wish I could squeeze your hand and lay on your chest and fall asleep just like I did when I was little. You gave us only the fondest memories and for that, I am forever grateful to God. You were a gift, my angel Yiayia. I love you bunches.