20 Things All Servers Will Understand
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20 Things All Servers Will Understand

The unique struggles of food service.

20 Things All Servers Will Understand

Ah, the old restaurant grind. It's pretty common to have worked in a restaurant at some point in your life. Being a server is a pretty popular option for young people because of the night-time hours and daily cash. However, there are plenty of struggles that only servers will understand.

1. Holidays are non-existent.

Christmas, New Years, Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, you name it, we work it. The only plus side here is all the extra cash people give you when you do a subtle guilt trip about missing out on time with your family. "Merry Christmas, enjoy the time with your beautiful family! Makes me really wish I could be with mine right now!" Hint, hint.

2. Picky eaters.

Listen, we both know you are not allergic to raw onions, but not cooked onions. Just ask for no onion. I swear I'll do it.

3. Being blamed for kitchen issues.

I genuinely feel bad when food takes too long, but I could do without the death stares every time I walk by without the meal.

4. Having to laugh at the customers' jokes.

"Good afternoon, I'm Courtney, how are you all today?"

"Better now that you're here!"

(Cue hysterics.)

5. Similarly, listening to their life story while you have 10 other things to do.

You know, I'd love to chat, but I have food in the window, drinks at the bar and an order to put in.

6. Convincing your manager to cut you will forever be the struggle.

"So, I only have two tables right now...we could probably make some cuts..."

7. Never being able to find the hostess.

Listen little lady, I am tipping you out, you need to stay at that host stand so I don't screw up the system when I awkwardly have to greet guests when I walk by and you're not there.

8. Working with some sketchy people.

Restaurants are like a catch-all for some weirdos. We've all worked in one of those kitchens where the cooks show up drunk or do drug deals out back.

9. Customers interrupting your introduction.

"Hello, I'll be your server tod-"

"I want a water, no ice."

Well that's great, I was getting to that, but I see that you're a go-getter. Awesome. I can't wait for the duration of this meal.

10. Side work.

Side work is the bane of every servers' existence. We're collecting that pathetic server wage after our tables are gone doing tedious work, like filling 100 tiny cups of ranch dressing.

11. Tables saying they're ready when they're definitely not ready.

"I'll have the uh -- "

It's fine. I'll wait. Not like I'm working or anything.

12. Customers repeatedly asking you, "What's good?" on the menu.

Everything is good. (Wink.)

13. Repeating the sides for every person at the table.

I swear sometimes I wish I had a microphone so I could do a song and dance rendition of the side items and salad dressings so I didn't have to repeat it for every person at the table.

14. Getting flagged down.

Grabbing my attention when I walk by is perfectly acceptable. Whistling, snapping your fingers or shaking your cup in the air is definitely not.

15. Customers playing musical chairs.

There's nothing worse than coming out with your table's drinks and them being completely gone. You're not Rebecca Black. You don't have options.

16. The kitchen yelling at you for adding special prep.

Do you really think I'm trying to make this difficult? If you have an issue, then take it up with the customer.

17. Having to fake happiness the entire shift.

Sometimes the fake smile gets stuck on your face, until you walk in the back and you realize you're still doing it.

18. Customers coming in 10 minutes before close.

Yes, the door says we close at 10 p.m., but I just swept my section and I want you to leave.

19. Getting checks for literally $0.

You've seen a meme about it I'm sure, but it's no myth that after taxes, a server's paycheck is $0. That's why it's so important to tip.

20. And finally, we are servers, not servants.

I am happy to give good service but like...ask nicely.

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