Things I Wish I Knew Before College As Told By 'The Office'
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Things I Wish I Knew Before College As Told By 'The Office'

Things I Wish I Knew Before College As Told By 'The Office'

College: the best time of your life. Or, at least, that’s what we’ve been told. We’ve been force-fed the idea that going to college is the best thing to ever happen to us. And to some extent, it’s true. College is filled with alcohol-induced friendships and memories that will last a lifetime. We all look at college as this mystical experience. It’s officially the time we gain our independence. We’ve finally reached that point in our lives where we can spread our wings and ditch the nest.

But as the oldest kid in the family, I never had anyone to tell me the dos and dont's of college life. Sure, my parents helped out as much as they could, but there are just some things just can't learn from your parents. For example, they'll never know what the hottest fraternities on campus are or what the best sorority to rush is. You can’t ask them about the best times to schedule your classes or which dining hall on campus won’t give you food poising.

So, here are a few things I wish I knew before starting college, as told by "The Office."

1. Parties don’t start until after 10:00 p.m.

If you were anything like me, you spent your high school days at practice until 9 p.m. almost every weekday and spent your Saturdays at games until you came home at midnight. Whatever down-time I had was spent curled up with Netflix and pint of ice cream that was finished before I went to bed at 9 o'clock. So, if you're new to the partying scene, here’s a tip: DON’T be like I am and show up to a fraternity house on move-in day at 9:00 p.m. and knock on the front door. No one will answer.

2.NEVER schedule an 8:00 a.m. class.

Fresh off the high school boat, you’re still programmed to wake up before the sun to get to school by 7:30. So to you, waking up for a class at 8 a.m. seems like a breeze. NO. WRONG. Before you know it, you’ll start going to bed at 3 a.m. on the regular. On a good night, you'll be getting a solid four hours of sleep. Even if you think its possible, believe me its not. If you see that you’re scheduled for a class earlier than 9 a.m., do yourself a favor and reschedule.

3. Dining hall food is toxic.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Some dining halls are top-notch, catering the the fanciest of taste buds campus-wide. However, every campus has at least one dining hall or campus center that leaves everyone hunched over a toilet for hours at a time. Believe me, in time, you’ll learn exactly where to steer clear. In the event that every eatery on campus doesn’t provide a health warning with every meal, you can always count on fast food. Don’t be afraid to venture off campus and find a trustworthy burger joint or pizzeria that you can turn to in times of crisis and comfort. Remember: you can order food to your dorm, and sometimes, even right to your room. You’re welcome.

4, Avoid the Freshman 15.

No, its not a myth. The freshman 15 is oh, so real. Soon the endless ice cream buffet in the dining hall catches up to you, and it's time to say goodbye to those jeans you've had since freshman year of high school. The freshman 15 sneaks up on you like that midterm you forgot about until the day you walk into lecture. So, to avoid this monster that hides in your popcorn bags and takeout boxes, the best thing you can do is exercise. Take advantage of the free gym a few steps form your dorm, you'll be thankful you did when spring break rolls around sooner than you expected.

5. For every good friend you make, you’ll lose a bad one.

Friends come and go. That’s something we’ve known since the dawn of elementary school cliques and the rise of high school drama queens. College is a time of adventure. This means branching out and meeting people who you never would have imagined being friends with. You’ll grow and learn that some people are meant to drift away. Let them. But in the process, don’t forget to keep close the friends who make an effort to stay in your life, old and new. Make sure you surround yourself with people who are going to be by your side for every bad night out to every miserable exam, and of course, for all the great times in between.

6. Join Greek life.

Forget everything you know/think/have ever heard about going Greek life. If your campus offers a Greek community, the best thing you could ever do is get involved in it. Greek life gives you the opportunity to network while meeting amazing people who do amazing things for the community. You’ll have a group of friends who you can count on and rely on for anything. Everywhere you go, you’ll see familiar faces who remind you why you came to this school in the first place. Join Greek life so you can meet your brothers, sisters, future bridesmaids and groomsmen. Join Greek life to find your family.

7. Stay true to yourself.

There are going to be times when you will question your existence as a human being. You’re going to be laying on your bed surrounded by textbooks and half-eaten bags of popcorn contemplating faking your own death so you can get out of an exam. But here’s the good news: it gets better. We’ve all been there, and for most of us, we’re still there. College is a time of balance and self-discovery. Trust me, you’re not alone. Always remember that there are people in the same boat as you. Surround yourself with friends who will help dig you out of the hole you’ve gotten yourself into. Never lose sight of who you are in the midst of all the college craziness. Half the battle is not letting yourself be defeated.

Remember: you are fierce, you are fabulous, you are Beyonce.

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