College is a stressful time, full of new surroundings and new people. Most likely you came into this strange place alone but by the time you graduate, will leave with a group of lifelong friends. Here's a few thank yous' I forgot to give to my college best friends.
1. Thank you for stress eating with me.
There is no one else I would rather get McDonald's drive thru with at 1am before a midterm.
2. Thank you for being my mom when I need it.
I never realized how much we need Mothers in college. Luckily my best friend often fills that position. She is always there for me after I end things with a serious boyfriend, when I get sick and need someone to take me to the doctor and she's the one who talks me out of reckless decisions (like driving through blizzards and such).
3. Thank you for listening to me complain about college until 2am.
And for always telling me what I need to hear, rather than I want to hear.
4. Thank you for motivating me to go to my dreaded morning classes.
Rise and shine, you grumpy piece of crap!
5. Thank you for helping me through my homesickness.
Going away from home for school can be difficult, but with good friends it will feel like home in no time.
6. Thank you for pulling all nighters with me to help me study.
I will never forget the time you threw my flashcards at my head to keep me awake, you are a true friend.
7. Thank you pulling all nighters with me to party.
Nights of drunken stumbles, claustrophobic parties and midnight trips to Perkin's are mandatory for a full time college student.
8. Thank you for brainstorming new ideas on decorating my dorm room.
I will forever appreciate our late night Pinterest dates and you hanging pictures where I can't reach.
9. Thank you for watching hours of Netflix with me after a long day.
Nothing beats a long day of school like Arrested Development for a few hours.
10. Thank you for not judging me for eating a sleeve of Oreos for dinner.
Eating badly is what college students do!