Senior year was one of my favorite/least favorite years of high school. The anticipation of moving off on my own to college in a different state continued to grow as the days turned from brisk, wintry drizzle to bright, springy sunshine. However, there are a few things I wish I had known the second semester of my senior year that I've realized during my freshman year of college. Things that I didn't necessarily learn from my countless marathons of "High School Musical."
1. Your college decision doesn't matter that much.
I mean, okay. It really does matter... a lot, but freaking out about where you're going to be in six months will do nothing but give you pimples and make you an angry grouch (well, at least, it did for me). In six months, you'll be wrapping up your first month of school, turning in your first round of papers and studying for exams. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that it will all work out, you'll make a decision and you'll love where you're at... and if you don't? Well, you can always transfer at semester. Everyone's in the same boat you are, so don't freak out about the decision!
2. Leaving your high school friends will suck, but you'll make new friends.
One of the hardest things for me senior year was knowing that I was going to be moving eight hours away from my best friends. I didn't know if I was going to make new friends at college and honestly had a back-up plan to move home over Christmas break because I was convinced that I wouldn't make any friends. You'll get to school, and you'll meet some of the greatest humans on planet earth (and just because you don't live in the same town anymore doesn't mean the friendship is over... it just looks a little bit different).
3. Grades are important, but don't forget to live a little.
One of the greatest things I learned my senior year was to take a break from school and enjoy life a little. Continue to work hard. Continue to do your school well. But make sure you make memories. Some of my favorite memories came from times senior year when I did something goofy, like skipping class to jump in puddles.
4. And on the note of skipping classes...
Do it, at least once. I'm not saying never go to class, but I am saying that there is something to be said for skipping College Algebra with your best friend to go pig out on carbs at Chick-Fil-A, splash in puddles on campus and then buy a new pair of leggings from Walmart because your pants are soaked.
5. Sometimes, senior year is going to suck.
It's going to be hard. Sometimes friends will fight, grades will fail and acceptance letters won't come. You're going to get overwhelmed and want to quit. That's okay. Keep working hard, it's worth it in the end!
6. Spend time with your people.
You might not like them now, but I can almost promise you that you will miss them once you move off to school. Take time to make memories with your family, friends and parents. Remember while you're freaking out about going to college, chances are they're freaking out about you leaving too. Be gracious and listen well, because they probably have some pretty good advice.
7. Senior year is great, but life goes on after graduation.